Page 19 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 19


                                                          The Crown of Central Europe

        City Hall and the Burgtheater. We drive   countryside, to UNESCO Heritage Site
        past the Belvedere Palace, which houses   Kutná Hora. Then we visit the eerie Sedlec   TOUR HIGHLIGHTS
        the largest and previous Gustav Klimt   Ossuary. Below the 15th century Cemetery
        collection in the world.            Church of All Saints at the center lies the   Budapest
        Classical Vienesse Concert - In Vienna,   curiously fascinating Bone Chapel.  - Chain Bridge, Heroes Square
        music is literally in the air: Waltzes and   Dinner at hotel.             Vienna
        operettas have their home here, and so                                    - State Opera House, Belvedere Palace,
        do musicals “made in Vienna”, which have   Day 07:
        conquered international audiences.  Prague - Berlin                       Schönbrunn Palace
                                            AM: Departure for Dresden.            Prague
        Day 04:                             Walking Tour of Dresden - You will learn as   - Charles Bridge, Astronomical Clock,
        Vienna                              you go the distinctive architectural styles   Kutna Hora
        AM: Optional Half Day Bratislava tour.  of the city and absorb all the wonders   - St. Barbaras Cathedral, Bone church
        PM: Schönbrunn Palace - Which is    Dresden has to offer. When we pass the   Dresden
        the former summer residence of the   Catholic Court Church, we get a closer
        Habsburgs impresses with imperial   look at the Semper Opera House and the   - House of Wettin, Zwinger Palace
        ceremonial rooms and magnificent    famous Zwinger Palace.                Berlin
        gardens. Maria Theresa, Emperor Franz   PM: Transfer to Berlin. Dinner on own.  - “Iron Curtain” City Tour
        Joseph, Empress Elisabeth and others
        once resided here.                  Day 08:                               OPTIONAL
        Austrian Tavern Dinner.             Berlin                                Potsdam City Palace
                                            City Tour Berlin - Crossing the former
        Day 05:                             “Iron Curtain”, Berlin City tour, Unveil the
        Vienna - Prague                     fascinating history of the Cold War and the
        AM: Bus ride to Prague.             Berlin Wall.
        PM: Bohemian Beer Tasting Tour - to see   PM: Potsdam - After passing the restored
        and admire the Bohemian countryside on   city canal you reach the most beautiful
        route to UNESCO-listed and Sample 8   square of the city, the New market with the
        unique Czech Beer.                  royal stables.
                                            Close by is the Old market with the Church
        Day 06:                             of St. Nicholas, the Old Town Hall, and
        Prague                              the newly built Potsdam City Palace,
        AM: City tour of Prague - visit Prague   functioning as the Parliament’s seat. On
        Castle and cross the elegant Charles   your round tour through the Dutch Quarter
        Bridge for breathtaking views of the city,   you will gain a special impression of the
        stroll through Old Town square to view the   city’s atmosphere and Potsdam’s lifestyle.
        15th Century Astronomical Clock.    Farewell dinner at hotel.
        PM: Bus ride to Kutna Hora.
        Visit of St. Barbaras Cathedral and the   Day 09:
        “Bone church”, starting in Prague’s Old   Departure
        Town square, through lovely Bohemian   Transfer to airport for your departure flight.
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