Page 63 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 63


                                                                                   Secret Paths

        canyons, waterfalls and amazing rock   its popular local beer.          high wooded mountains, one beneath
        formations.                         Overnight in Sarajevo               another lie sixteen beautiful lakes of
        PM: Enjoy a sightseeing tour of Valbona                                 crystal blue-green water.
        Valley National Park with its excellent   Day 07:                       Transfer to Zagreb
        panoramic landscapes of gorges,     Sarajevo                            Overnight in Zagreb.
        waterfalls, rich flora and rocky caves.  The main sightseeing of the city include:
        Overnight in Valbona                the old town which is home to the city’s   Day 11:
                                            most important religious sites, including   Zagreb – Zagreb APT
        Day 05:                             Sarajevo Old Orthodox Church, Sacred   Zagreb has grown out of the two medieval
        Valbona – Decan – Peje – Kolasin    Heart Cathedral and Gazi Husrev-beg   settlements, Kaptol and Gradec that for
        AM: Drive towards Decani, through Qafe   Mosque, the first mosque in the world to   centuries developed on neighboring hills.
        Morina border with Kosovo.          have electricity. Visit of the Tunnel of Life.   Transfer to Zagreb Airport.
        PM: Visit of Decani Monastery – The   Free afternoon in Sarajevo        End of Service.
        monastery is settled in the picturesque   Overnight in Sarajevo
        valley of the Bistrica River surrounded by
        the mountains and forests.          Day 08:
        Drive towards Kolasin, Montenegro.   Sarajevo – Mostar – Split            TOUR HIGHLIGHTS
        Overnight in Kolasin                AM – Bus transfer to Mostar. Upon arrival
                                            start city tour of Mostar - Our guided city   Dubrovnik
        Day 06:                             tour will include visits of Public Turkish   - Old town; Stradum promenade
        Kolasin – Moraca – Ostrog – Sarajevo    Bath (Hamman), clock tower, Karadjoz-  Kotor
        AM – Transfer by bus to Moraca      Beg Mosque, Ottoman Residences,       - St Tryphon Cathedral
        Monastery.                          Crooked Bridge, Tara and Halebija     Shkodra
        Visit the Orthodox Male Monastery –   Towers.                             - Castle of Rozafa
        Moraca Monastery.                   PM – Departure to Split/Croatia (border   Koman
        The monastery was raised on the right   procedures included)              - Ferry River
        bank of the River Moraca, not far from   Overnight in Split               Decan
        Kolasin.                                                                  - Decani Monastery
        Continue driving to Ostrog Monastery.  Day 09:                            Sarajevo
        Ostrog Monastery - Ostrog is a true   Split – Plitvice National Park
        miracle, made by joint efforts of nature   AM – City tour of Split – During the city   - Tunnel of Life
        and humankind.                      panoramic tour, we explore the UNESCO   Mostar
        Since old times the caves of the mountain   listed Diocletian’s Palace with its Peristyle,   - Turkish House
        were home for hermits, who used them   Temple of Jupiter and Cathedral.   Split
        for seclusion and praying.          PM – Transfer to Plitvice             - Diocletian Palace
        PM – Depart for Sarajevo/Bosnia (border   Overnight in Plitvice           - Plitvice
        procedures included)                                                      - National Park of Plitvice
        The ride will take you up in the mountain   Day 10:                       - Zagreb
        passes of Bosnia, Pluzine valley in   Plitvice National Park – Zagreb     Walking tour
        Montenegro, passing by Niksic, known for   AM - Visit Plitvice Lakes. Embraced by

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