Page 62 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 62


                  Secret Paths

         Day            Departure            Tour                  Overnight             Distance      Duration
         Day 01         Cilipi Airport        Dubrovnik            Dubrovnik               20 km        40 min
         Day 02         Dubrovnik            Kotor – Budva         Budva                 118 km        3,5 hrs
         Day 03         Budva                Shkodra               Shkodra                 94 km       2,5 hrs
         Day 04         Shkodra              Koman                 Valbona               100 km           3 hrs
         Day 05         Valbona              Decan – Pej           Kolasin               238 km           6 hrs
         Day 06         Kolasin              Moraca – Ostrog       Sarajevo              378 km           8 hrs
         Day 07         Sarajevo             Sarajevo              Sarajevo                30 km          1 h
         Day 08         Sarajevo             Mostar                Split                 300 km           6 hrs
         Day 09         Split                Split                 Plitvice              260 km           3 hrs
         Day 10         Plitvice             Plitvice – Zagreb    Zagreb                 143 km        2,5 hrs
         Day 11         Zagreb                    Zagreb Airport                          20 km         30 min
        Program                             Day 01:                             artistic values. Bus continues to Budva.
        Itinerary                           Cilipi Airport – Dubrovnik          PM – Walking city tour of Budva - The
                                                                                sightseeing of Budva will include the
                                            AM: Upon arrival to Cilipi Airport, our local
                                            guide will welcome the group.       old town with its prevailing Venetian
                                            Transfer to Dubrovnik               architecture, and its churches; St. Ivan,
                                            City tour – Enchanting medieval city of   St. Mary and Holy Trinity.
               Zagreb                       Dubrovnik, a UNESCO world heritage   Overnight in Budva
                     CROATIA                site, known also as the “Pearl of the
                                            Adriatic”, offers a range of attractions. Our   Day 03:
                                            walking tour will take you by the Town Hall   Budva – Shkodra
                  BOSNIA &                  (now the Rector’s Palace), the Franciscan   AM - Bus transfer to Shkodra.
                                            Monastery with its imposing church; the   Sightseeing of the city, which was known
                       Sarajevo             extensive Dominican Monastery; the   as an old artisan center, as well road and
                                            customs house (Sponza) and a number of   river junction with a considerable transit
           Split   Mostar                   other Baroque churches, such as that of   trade. Shkodra, formerly Scutari, is the
                         MONTENEGRO         St Blaise (patron saint of the city).   third largest town in Albania.
                         Moraca  Kolasin  KOSOVO
                 Dubrovnik         Pej      Overnight in Dubrovnik              PM: Visit of the castle of Rozafa, built
                      Kotor  Ostrog  Decan                                      on a rocky hill from where you can see
                       Budva     Valbona    Day 02:                             attractive and beautiful views.
                         Shkoder  Koman     Dubrovnik – Kotor – Budva           Overnight in Shkodra
                                            AM – Depart for Kotor.
                              ALBANIA       City tour of Kotor – Kotor is considered   Day 04:
                                            to possess outstanding universal value by   Shkodra – Koman – Valbona
                                            the quality of its architecture.    AM: Transfer to Koman dam.
                                            It is among the most characteristic   Aboard the ferry and enjoy a 3-hours
                                            examples of a type of structure     sailing in Koman Lake amidst stunning
                                            representing important cultural, social and   panoramic views of the Drini River Valley,

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