Page 57 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 57


                                                                            Hidden Treasures

        the capital city of Albania, including some of   culturally diverse cities in Europe, and had   blue-green water. Transfer to Zagreb
        the historical highlights in the city center.   spent over 300 years under Turkish rule until   Overnight in Zagreb.
        Overnight in Tirana.                the Austro-Hungarians arrived in the late
                                            nineteenth century. Visit the Tunnel of Hope.   Day 12:
        Day 05:                             The tour begins with a short ride to the War   Zagreb – Zagreb APT
        Tirana – Shkodra – Budva – Kotor    Tunnel where you will be introduced to the   Zagreb has grown out of the two medieval
        Transfer to Shkodra. During its long history,   origins of the Balkans conflict, for gaining the   settlements, Kaptol and Gradec that for
        the city has played important role in Albanian   better understanding of the Aggression of BiH   centuries developed on neighboring hills.
        culture and history. Shkodra is also the center   and the Sarajevo Siege.  Transfer to Zagreb Airport.
        of Albanian Catholicism as well as a fine   Overnight in Sarajevo.      End of Service.
        example of tolerance between religions.
        Transfer to Budva, stop for refreshments in   Day 09:                    TOUR HIGHLIGHTS
        the Old Town of Budva/MONTENEGRO.   Sarajevo – Blagaj - Split
        Kotor is a beautiful walled medieval city of   Departure to Split/Croatia, with stop en route   Athens
        twisting, pink-paved streets, markets and   to Blagaj for visit and lunch.  - Acropolis
        architecture reflecting Byzantine to Venetian   Blagaj is a place with the largest karst spring   - Meteora
        influences.                         in Europe, with a beautiful Dervish Tekke –   Ohrid - Unesco
        Overnight in Kotor.                 today’s, attractive monument.        - Old town, St. Sophia Cathedral
                                            Continue driving to Split            Tirana
        Day 06:                             Overnight in Split.                  - National Historic Museum
        Kotor – Dubrovnik                                                        Shkoder
        Transfer to Dubrovnik. Start with the walking   Day 10:                  - Rozafa fortress.
        tour of Old Town Dubrovnik.         Split – Plitvice                     Budva
        The ‘Pearl of the Adriatic’, situated on the   Split’s history is more than 1700 years old!   - Old town
        Dalmatian coast, became an important   Our expert guides can easily bring the past   Kotor - Unesco
        Mediterranean Sea power from the 13th   alive and would gladly share the facts and   - Old town, St Tryphon Cathedral
        century onward. Protected by UNESCO.  inside stories with you. The tour includes   Dubrovnik - Unesco
        Overnight in Dubrovnik.             Diocletian’s palace, St. Duje’s Cathedral,   - Old town; Stradum promenade
                                            Peristil, the statue of Gregory, The Golden   - Dervish house on Buna
        Day 07:                             Gate, Vestibul and much more! Travel through   Mostar
        Dubrovnik – Mostar – Sarajevo       time and admire Split’s must-see art and   - Mostar bridge; the old bazar; the old
        Transfer to Mostar                  architecture and unlock Split’s many secrets.   town
        Arriving to Mostar for sightseeing (the old   Transfer to Plitvice National Park   Sarajevo
        bridge, mosques, old streets of Mostar,   Overnight in Plitvice.         - Tunnel of Life
        museum, etc.). Continue driving to Sarajevo                              Split
        Overnight in Sarajevo.              Day 11:                              - Diocletian Palace
                                            Plivitce Lake – Zagreb               Plitvice Lakes
        Day 08:                             Visit Plitvice Lakes. Embraced by high   - Plitvice National Park
        Sarajevo                            wooded mountains, one beneath another lie   Zagreb
                                                                                 - Tour city center
        Sarajevo is one of the most oriental and   sixteen beautiful lakes of crystal
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