Page 55 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 55


                                                                                 Travel in Time

        Day 05:                             Overnight in Thessaloniki.
        Ohrid – St. Naum – Ohrid                                                  TOUR HIGHLIGHTS
        Ohrid is classified as a UNESCO’s World   Day 09:
        Cultural Heritage site. Sightseeing includes   Thessaloniki – Philippi – Kavala   Dubrovnik - Unesco
                                                                                  - Old town; Stradum promenade
        the most eminent medieval monument in   Guided tour of Philippi, one of the region's   Kotor - Unesco
        Macedonia with magnificent Byzantine painted   most important archaeological sites which was   - Old town, St Tryphon Cathedral
        Frescos.                            originally colonized in 360 B.C. by the people   Budva
        Visit of St. Naum Monastery. This journey will                            - Old town
        take you to a monastic complex, known for its   of Thasos and later renamed Philippi by Philip   - Rozafa fortress.
        rich history of orthodox religion.  II, the king of Macedonia.            Kruja
        Overnight in Ohrid.                 Continue with the journey to Kavala.  - Historic museum of Skanderbeg
                                            Overnight in Kavala.                  Tirana
        Day 06:                                                                   - National Historic Museum
        Ohrid – Sv. Bigorski – Mavrovo – Skopje  Day 10:                          - Stone Bridge
        Depart for Skopje passing through National   Kavala – Tekirdag – Istanbul   Stobi
        Park of Mavrovo with stop en route to visit St.   After breakfast, departure to Tekirdag. Visit the   - Ancient city
        Jovan Bigorski Monastery.           city center of Tekirdag with its Ataturk statue.  Ohrid - Unesco
                                                                                  - Old town, St. Sophia Cathedral
        Overnight in Skopje.                The panoramic sightseeing includes the   Bitola
                                            church of Panagia and a typical Turkish house,   - Heraclea archaeological site
        Day 07:                                                                   Pella
        Skopje – Stobi – Bitola             nowadays it is Rakozci Museum.        - Ruins of the ancient city, birthplace of
        Skopje, a city in the west where you can find   Continue with the journey to Istanbul.  Alexander the Great
        the signs of East. The town with the beautiful   Overnight in Istanbul.   - National park of Mavrovo, River Radika.
        quay of the Macedonian river “Vardar”, the                                Thessaloniki
        narrow streets in the Old Bazaar which is the   Day 11:                   - White tower
        biggest bazaar preserved in the Balkans today,   Istanbul                 Kavala
                                                                                  - Archaeological Museum
        the town is internationally famous for being the   Visit the Blue Mosque, designed with 6   Alexandroupolis
        birthplace of Mother Teresa. Transfer to Stobi   delicate minarets and a striking blue Iznik tiled   - Light house
        and visit of the archaeological site.  interior.                          Tekirdag
        Possibility to enjoy a wine tasting in the area.  Our guide will join the group to Kapali Carsi,   - Rokozci house
        Transfer and overnight in Bitola.   open shopping area or if the group wish to do   - Topkapi palace
                                            the Ship Bosfor Tour.                 OPTIONAL
        Day 08:                             Overnight in Istanbul.                Folk Show
        Bitola – Pella – Thessaloniki
        Transfer to Pella. Tour of Pella, Birthplace of
        Alexander the Great. Peer into the rich history   Day 12:
        of the Macedonian state capital, a bustling   Istanbul – Airport
        metropolis of the Classical period.  Sightseeing of the city or time at leisure.
        Continue to Thessaloniki and visit, the second-  Transfer to Airport.
        largest city of Greece              End of Service.
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