Page 54 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 54


                  Travel in Time

         Day            Departure            Tour                  Overnight             Distance      Duration
         Day 01         Airport – Cilipi       Dubrovnik           Dubrovnik               26 km        40 min
         Day 02         Dubrovnik            Kotor                 Budva                 116 km         3 hrs
         Day 03         Budva                Kruja                 Tirana                228 km        4,5 hrs
         Day 04         Tirana               Tirana                Ohrid                 137 km        3,5 hrs
         Day 05         Ohrid                Ohrid – St. Naum      Ohrid                   70 km          2 hrs
         Day 06         Ohrid                Sv. Bigorski – Mavrovo    Skopje            224 km        4,5 hrs
         Day 07         Skopje               Stobi                 Bitola                175 km         3 hrs
         Day 08         Bitola               Pella                 Thessaloniki          227 km        4,5 hrs
         Day 09         Thessaloniki         Philippi              Kavala                160 km           2 hrs
         Day 10         Kavala               Tekirdag              Istanbul              500 km         8 hrs
         Day 11         Istanbul             Istanbul              Istanbul                50 km          3 hrs
         Day 12         Istanbul – Airport                                                 34 km        40 min

         Program                           Day 01:                              Transfer to Kotor and visit. Kotor is a beautiful
                                           Airport – Cilipi – Dubrovnik
                                                                                walled medieval city of twisting, pink-paved
         Itinerary                         Airport Cilipi – Dubrovnik           streets, markets and architecture reflecting
                                           Walking tour of Old Town of Dubrovnik, known   Byzantine to Venetian influences.
                                           also as the “Pearl of the Adriatic”. The tour   Visit Budva Old Town, a treasure chest of
                                           will include, Old Town, Pila gate, Onofrio   culture heritage
                                           Great Fountain, Rector Palace, Franciscan   Overnight in Budva.
                          CROATIA          Monastery and Stradun promenade.
                                           Overnight in Dubrovnik.              Day 03:
                         BOSNIA &                                               Budva – Kruja – Tirana
                                           Day 02:                              Transfer to Kruja, with stop en route for
                                           Dubrovnik – Kotor – Budva            refreshments. The walking tour of Kruja will
                               MONTENEGRO                                       take you through the cobble stone pathway
                        Dubrovnik                                               of Ottoman bazaar, with wooden shops and
                             Kotor  Shkoder  MACEDONIA
                             Budva  Mavrovo  Skopje                             displays of various gifts and antique household
                                    Kruja        Philippi  Tekirdag             items.
                                            Stobi   Kavala
                                     Ohrid                      Istanbul        Transfer to Tirana and overnight
                                 Tirana     Bitola
                                   ALBANIA  Pella  Thessaloniki                 Day 04:
                                                                                Tirana – Ohrid
                                         GREECE                                 Panoramic city tour of Tirana, Skanderbeg
                                                                                Square, Et’hem Bey Mosque, the Palace of
                                                                                Culture, Martyrs of the Nation Boulevard,
                                                                                Mother Teresa square.
                                                                                Transfer and overnight in Ohrid.

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