Page 49 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 49


                                                                                 Taste of Spain

        Day 05:                             palace in Europe. Perched atop a hill and   Mediterranean
        Seville                             filled with colorful ornate stucco, scalloped   Coast to Catalunya, via Tarragona, the
        Sevilla's two big sights are its cathedral   filigree windows, exuberant gardens,   Roman Tarraco. Reach Barcelona principal
        and royal palace. Unlike in Córdoba,   bubbling fountains, and peaceful pools, the   Mediterranean city homeland of the famous
        Reconquista Christians ripped down   palace highlights the splendor of Moorish   architect Gaudí symbol of the Catalan
        Sevilla's mosque to build a cathedral,   civilization in the 13th and 14th centuries.   modernism.
        announcing their intention to make it so   Dinner and accommodation. Optional visit   Accommodation at the hotel in Barcelona
        big that "anyone who sees it will take us   to a typical show of gipsy flamenco.
        for madmen." Today it's still the second-                               Day 10:
        largest church in Europe (by volume),   Day 08:                         Barcelona
        after St. Peter's at the Vatican. Morning   Granada – Valencia          After breakfast, start with the visit of
        city tour visiting the typical Barrio de   After breakfast at the hotel, start driving   Barcelona. Within the narrow alleyways of
        Santa Cruz with its narrow streets, the   looking for the Mediterranean coast. Via   Barcelona's Barri Gotic and the old town,
        Park of María Luisa and Plaza de España,   Murcia, capital              local life is still going strong, whether in the
        with a panoramic sightseeing of the city.   of the fertile garden of the Segura river,   traditional pastry shops where Catalan is
        Afternoon at leisure.               continue north via Alicante, the second   spoken instead of Spanish, or in El Raval's
                                            largest city                        spice shops run by recent arrivals from the
        Day 06:                             within the autonomous region land of   Middle East. Drive along the main avenues
        Seville – Ronda – Marbella          Valencia. Reach Valencia one of the main   with impressive modernist buildings by
        Breakfast. Then departure to the Route   capitals of the                Gaudí such as La Pedrera, Casa Milá, etc.
        of the White Villages and Ronda. Visit the   Mediterranean coast with its modern Arts   - declared World Heritage buildings. - The
        Plaza del Toros bullring and its museum,   and Sciences Architectural Complex.   Montjuïc Park with spectacular views of the
        capture sweeping vistas of the dramatic El   Valencia is also the home of the   city and harbor, Olympic Ring, monument
        Tajo gorge and the Puente Nuevo Bridge,   internationally well renowned and delicious   to Columbus and the emblematic Gothic
        and absorb the vibrant atmosphere at   “Paella”.                        Quarter, heart of the old city and its
        Plaza de España, the town’s central square  Accommodation at the hotel.  historical center. This morning
        Free time. Continue driving to Costa                                     is devoted to the swirling, Modernista
        del Sol. Dinner and accommodation at   Day 09:                          architecture of Antoni Gaudí.
        Marbella.                           Valencia – Tarragona – Barcelona     We will tour the greatest works of
                                            Breakfast at the hotel. Morning city tour of   Barcelona's master builder — the towering,
        Day 07:                             this bright city including a drive through the   dizzying Sagrada Família
        Marbella – Granada                  old city,                           and his La Pedrera apartment building.
        Breakfast. Departure to Granada.    showing the most prominent buildings, we   Afternoon is free to keep on discovering
        Granada is the famous last home of the   will then be driven past the old riverbed of   more of these city full attractive offers
        (Muslim) Moors, who were driven out of   the Turia to
        Spain and back to Africa in 1492 during   the most avant-garde complex “Ciudad   Day 11:
        the Reconquista — the "reconquering"   de las Artes y las Ciencias” to watch the   Barcelona – Airport
        of Spain by Spaniards and Christians.   emblematic                      After breakfast, departure to the airport for
        Sightseeing tour including the impressive   exteriors of the six buildings. Afternoon   your flight back home
        Alhambra, the last and greatest Moorish   departure northward all along the   End of our Service
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