Page 46 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 46


                  Heart of Europe

        beautiful, vividly colored villages located   which reigned supreme as the focal point   Day 11:
        on cliffs overlooking the sea. Hundreds of   of the Roman Empire. Highlights today   Free time to discover Florence by your
        walking trails passing through the virgin   include the Spanish Steps, the Pantheon,   own
        landscape with very beautiful nature and   Piazza Navona, the Roman Forum and of   Enjoy the guided visit of Uffizi Gallery –
        breath-taking scenery. Old castles, walls   course the Colosseum. On the way to our   wealth of Botticelli’s, Leonardo’s, and
        and other ancient structures. Plenty of   accommodation for the evening, you can   Raphael’s in a great collection of Italian
        small beaches that fit every taste, including   start to plan what to do with your free day   Painters. Free time in your own in the craft
        wild and secluded ones. Upon our    tomorrow - the Colosseum and Vatican   market or to make your own discoveries
        arrival, we will take a short train ride into   City are unmissable!
        seaside Monterosso al Mare. Dinner and   Dinner and overnight in Rome (2 nights)  Day 12:
        accommodation in Monterosso al Mare (2   Day 09:                         Get lost in Venice
        nights)                              A Walk through Ancient Rome        Venice is our next destination, a city
                                            Today we will uncover Ancient Rome   immortalized in literature, film and art for
        Day 07:                             as a local guide takes us through the   centuries. Its timeless waterways and
        Free time - Cinque Terre            monumental Colosseum, history-drenched   artistic masterpieces make it truly unique
        This is one day exactly as you like to   Roman Forum, and the awe-inspiring   – this is a city that will not capture only
        spend it. Feel free and enjoy walking,   Pantheon. You will have the rest of your   your heart, but also your imagination. Your
        panoramic views and fresh air. Monterosso   day free to explore more of the Eternal   tour leader will introduce you to the city
        al Mare is made up of an old town, a new   City on your own. Dinner and overnight in   with an orientation walk, during which you
        town, lots of sandy beaches and a long   Rome                           will see sights like the world famous St
        seaside promenade suitable for strollers                                Mark’s Square, Grand Canal and Rialto
        too. If you want to avoid stairs and have   Day 10:                     Bridge. The rest of the afternoon is yours
        a more “resort” feel to your vacation,   Florence                       to explore this unforgettable city on your
        then you should stay here. Or choose   Ahead of us are the hills of Tuscany –   own - do not miss the opportunity to take
        to visit another village linked between   marvel at the countryside as we head for   a gondola and water taxi to explore Venice
        tone-another by train or hiking trail, but   Florence. On arrival, we will get a fabulous   from the water.
        don’t forget to enjoy sunset in the most   panoramic view of the city from Piazzale
        spectacular view of Manarola village. No   Michelangelo, and then take a fascinating   Day 13:
        bus. Walking or train or boat ride from   walking tour of the city with a local guide.   Next day gondola ride for unique Venice
        different perspective               Learn about the history of the city and see   Free time on your own; do not miss the
                                            historical landmarks dating from Roman   opportunity to experience a gondola and
        Day 08:                             times to the glory days of the Renaissance.   water taxi to explore Venice from the water.
        All roads lead to Rome              Cradle of the Renaissance, romantic,
        We make our way to Italy's capital, Rome,   enchanting and irresistible, Florence   Day 14:
        with stops an route for refreshments.   (Firenze) is a place to feast   A Stop to Verona, before we get to Reutte
        Arrival to Rome late afternoon. You will   on world-class art and gourmet Tuscan   A stop in Verona, in the northeastern part
        be taken on a walking tour of the city by   cuisine                     of Italy, is a must while traveling through
        a local guide, who will introduce you to   After exploring, we make our way to the   this incredible country. An UNESCO World
        the incredible history of this unique city,   hotel, where we spend two night.  Heritage Site, this lovely, medieval town

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