Page 41 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 41


                                                                                   Historic Tour

        world, founded in 1764              Day 18:                             The rest of the day is at leisure.
         by Catherine the Great.            Moscow
        Admire the world-famous masterpieces   Moscow is one of the largest cities in   Day 19:
        by Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael,       the world, symbolic heart and soul of the   Moscow – excursion to Serviev Posad
        Titian, Rembrandt, El Greco, Velasquez,   country. Your sightseeing tour begins at   Transfer 75 km North of Moscow, to the
        Rubens, Van Dyck, Goya, and French   Red Square, dominated by colorful St.   town of Sergiev Posad, former Zagorsk
        Impressionists.                     Basil's Cathedral and by the massive   – founded in the 14th century and
        Optional Russian Folklore evening.  red walls of the Kremlin. Visit the Armory   renowned as a center of ancient Russian
                                            Museum, with its impressive collection   art and architecture. For centuries, it
        Day 17:                             of Tsarist, Russian, and foreign jewelry,   served as a place of pilgrimage and the
        St. Petersburg – Moscow             armor, and other artifacts. Then walk   religious capital of Russia. Within the old
        After breakfast at the hotel transfer to   by Moscow University. Continue with   walled city, admire the fairy-tale golden
        railway station for our four hours   a drive along the wide boulevards and   and blue domes of the Holy Trinity St.
        high speed Sapsan train ride to Moscow.   a stroll through GUM, Russia’s largest   Sergius Lavra, one of the most beautiful
        Upon arrival at the Moscow train station,   department store. Continue, on the north   of all monasteries. After lunch, return to
        transfer to your hotel.             bank of the River Moskva, passing by   Moscow. Free time on your own leisure.
        Dinner and overnight                baroque Novodevichy convent; ending
        (3 nights)                          the tour at the popular Arbat shopping   Day 20:
        at hotel.                           district.                           Moscow Airport
                                                                                After breakfast at the hotel, time to
                                                                                transfer to the Airport
                                                                                Have a nice trip back home
                                                                                End of Service

                                                                                  TOUR HIGHLIGHTS

                                                                                  St. Petersburg

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