Page 37 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 37


                                         Fascinating Eastern Europian Treasures

         Day 05:                            concentration camps along with artifacts   area, Fisherman's Bastion, Matthias Church,
         Berlin – Poznan – Warsaw           from the prisoners who perished there during   Heroes' Square, and Gellert Hill with its Citadel.
         Heading east, stop in Poznan for an orientation   World War II. Learn about the murderous   The rest of the day is at leisure to explore this
         tour.  Poznan lies midway between Berlin   Nazi campaigns against Europe’s Jewish   exciting city on your own
         and Warsaw, which has helped make it an   populations and other ‘undesirables’ as you
         important town for centuries. Badly damaged   tour the camps. UNESCO World Heritage Site.   Day 11:
         in World War II, the city (especially its Old   After the visit way to Krakow for dinner and
         Town) has been beautifully restored. The   accommodation (2 nights)    Budapest – Vienna
         huge Old Town Square (Stary Rynek) is one                              Journey west, passing through Trans Danubian
         of Europe’s nicest, and is lined by fabulous   Day 08:                 Region and then cross the border into Austria,
         historic attractions. The Basilica of Saints Peter   Krakow            with stops en route for refreshments. Arrive on
         and Paul is Poland’s oldest cathedral. Continue   Journey through the royal history of Poland   time to fresh up before your dinner
         to Warsaw for dinner and overnight (2 nights)  with guide tour of Wawel Cathedral on Wawel   Dinner and accommodation in Vienna (2 nights
                                            Hill. Marvel at the medieval castle walls and
         Day 06:                            12th-century Gothic church, considered a
         Warsaw                             national sanctuary in Poland. Then, go to   Day 12:
         Warsaw, this amazing city is full of contrasts,   the Sigismund Bell Tower to get up close   Vienna
         question marks and surprises. It will excite and   to one of the largest church bell systems in   Explore the vibrant city of Vienna in the walking
         inspire you. A UNESCO world heritage site, the   Poland. Marvel at the bell that requires 12 bell   tour. Led by a local guide, see top attractions
         Old Town charms with its colorful townhouses   ringers to swing a single 30-ton bell, and get
         and the exceptional atmosphere of its narrow   breathtaking views of Krakow Old Town and   such as the Gothic architecture of St Stephen’s
         streets. Drive along the famous Royal Route   the oxbow of the Vistula River. Free afternoon   Cathedral, the Hofburg Imperial Palace and
         from magnificent Castle Square to Lazienki                             the Spanish Riding School. As you go, learn
         Park and Palace, the summer residence of   Day 09:                     the rich history behind the Austrian capital and
         the last king of Poland. Pass by the Palace of   Krakow – Budapest     each of its architectural gems.
         Science and Culture (known as the “wedding   This day we’ll head to Budapest, capital of   The afternoon is at leisure to discover more of
         cake”), the Saxon Gardens, Tomb of the   Hungary. Very scenic road from Krakow toward  Vienna
         Unknown Soldier, Monument to the Heroes   Zakopane then to Lysa Polana where you
         of the Warsaw Ghetto, and Barbican. Walk to   cross the border into Slovakia. Once you pass   Day 13:
         the Old Town Market Square, you will meet a   Ruzomberok deviate on the right from the main   Vienna – Airport
         mermaid – the official symbol of the city. See   road and visit beautiful village of Vlkolinec.   After breakfast at the hotel, you will be
         the Barbican, stop by the bell on Kanonia   It's on UNESCO list for it's original village
         Street, and walk along the old city walls.   architecture. Enjoy driving through National   transferred to the Airport for your flight
         The rest of the day is free for shopping, a stroll   Park of Tatras Mountains until your arrival to   Have a nice trip back home!
         through the city or relax          Budapest. Dinner and overnight in Budapest   End of Service
                                            (2 nights)
         Day 07:                                                                  TOUR HIGHLIGHTS
         Warsaw – Krakow                    Day 10:
         This morning we will drive towards Krakow,   Budapest                    Prague
         with stop en route first to visit the Monastery   In 1873, the twin cities of Buda and Pest   Berlin
         of Jasna Gora Monastery, known for the   joined with ancient Obuda to form a new,
         blackened picture of Virgin Mary, popularly   unified city, Budapest. Charming and beautiful,   Warsaw
         called the “Black Madonna”. Continue our   the city was declared a World Heritage site   Krakow
         journey for a sobering visit to Auschwitz-  in 1987. Your morning sightseeing tour   Budapest
         Birkenau. At Auschwitz-Birkenau, visit   includes views of all the main attractions: The   Vienna
         still-standing parts of the original Nazi   Parliament, Royal Palace and the Castle Hill
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