Page 35 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 35


                                          The Best of Western Europe in 15 days
        avenue des Champs - Élysées, Notre Dame   Day 09: Head to Italy – Wonderful Cinque Terre   your leisure. Dinner and overnight in Florence
        Cathedral, etc.); Glorious Food; Stylish   Today we will have a long journey, passing   (2 nights)
        shopping are worth visiting.        the farms along pristine lakes and wonderful
        Afternoon, leisure time. Transfer back at hotel.   nature through northern part of Italy, towards   Day 12:   Free time to discover Florence by
        Dinner on own.                      Cinque Terre. Five very beautiful, vividly colored   your own.
        Afternoon Optional Tour: Versailles Palace, an   villages located on cliffs overlooking the sea.   Enjoy the guided visit of Uffizi Gallery – wealth
        estate over 800 hectares. Gardens and the   Hundreds of walking trails passing through   of Botticellis, Leonardos, and Raphaels in a
        Palaces of Trianon, the park of the Château   the virgin landscape with very beautiful nature   great collection of Italian Painters. Free time in
        de Versailles whose origins date back to the   and breath-taking scenery. Old castles, walls   your own in the craft market or to make your
        seventeenth century                 and other ancient structures. Plenty of small   own discoveries
                                            beaches that fit every taste, including wild
        Day 06: Paris – Burgundy            and secluded ones. Upon our arrival, we will
        After breakfast, we will drive for more than 4.30   take a short train ride into seaside Monterosso   Day 13: Florence – Rome
        hrs. to the Burgundy region. Start with a guided   al Mare. Dinner and accommodation in   After breakfast at the hotel, we depart to Rome.
        walking tour of vibrant Beaune, the wine capital   Monterosso al Mare (2 nights)  On arrival, we will have our accommodation at
        of Burgundy, dedicated to wine and the crafts                           the hotel and we will get a fabulous panoramic
        of the vine. The neighboring villages boast   Day 10:  Cinque Terre     view of the city from Piazzale Michelangelo.
        some of the most famous vineyards in the   This is one day exactly as you like to spend it.   Dinner and overnight in Rome (2 nights)
        Côte-d’Or area, enough to bring a twinkle to   Feel free and enjoy walking, panoramic views
        any wine lover’s eyes! Going through the heart   and fresh air. Monterosso al Mare is made up of   Day 14: Rome
        of Burgundy's inviting wine capital, Beaune,   an old town, a new town, lots of sandy beaches   After a breakfast, you will start three-hour
        visit the famous Hôtel Dieu medieval hospital,   and a long seaside promenade suitable for   Ancient Rome Walking Tour with one of our
        then enjoy a wine tasting together. Dinner and   strollers too. If you want to avoid stairs and   licensed expert guides, and including skip the
        overnight in Beaune (1 night)       have a more “resort” feel to your vacation, then   line tickets for the Colosseum, Ancient Roman
                                            you should stay here. Or choose to visit another
        Day 07: Burgundy – Switzerland Alps   village linked between tone-another by train or   Forum, Palatine Hill, Constantine’s Arch.
        After breakfast at the hotel, we will cross over   hiking trail, but don’t forget to enjoy sunset in   The Colosseum is considered as the symbol of
        to the Alps. Take in the beauty of the snow-  the most spectacular view of Manarola village.   the greatness of Rome all over the world, it was
        capped mountains and the greenery around   No bus. Walking or train or boat ride from   the vital center for the Romans and stadium of
        you. It will be a breathtaking drive for more than   different perspective   the historical battles of the gladiators. Known
        4.5 hrs. to Lauterbrunnen Valley, where we will                         as the greatest amphitheater of the world, with
        have dinner and accommodation. (2 nights)  Day 11: Monterosso al Mare – Florence   a capacity of over 50.000 spectators.
                                            After breakfast, departure to Florence. On
        Day 08: All Day in the Alps         arrival start the tour of Florence: including   Day 15: Rome – Airport
        Today, for sure you will enjoy some of Europe’s   the Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge), the Duomo,   Breakfast at the hotel, morning at your leisure
        most dramatic scenery. Choose between the   the elegant Uffizi Square, the renowned   and depart to Airport
        activities you like to experience.  You may   leather market, and the Academia Gallery   End of Service
        join a guide for an exceptional excursion that   with Michelangelo’s David. The walking tour
        combines the local narrow-gauge railway or a   continues in the Piazza della Repubblica, once
        gondola lift. Lauterbrunnen is situated in one of   the Ancient Forum, now and a popular meeting   TOUR HIGHLIGHTS
        the most impressive trough valleys in the Alps,   place for famous writers, artists and locals.  Sightseeing London
        between gigantic rock faces and mountain   PM: Tour continues with a visit to the Old   Sightseeing Brussels
        peaks. With its 72 thundering waterfalls,   Bridge “Ponte Vecchio”, known for its   Sightseeing Paris
        secluded valleys, colorful alpine meadows and   numerous jewelry shops, but also because it’s   Louvre Museum
        lonely mountain inns, the Lauterbrunnen Valley   the oldest bridge in Florence and the only one   Sightseeing Florence
        is one of the biggest nature        that the Germans spared during the Second   Sightseeing Rome
        conservation areas in Switzerland.  World War. In the afternoon, we are returning   Colosseum
        Free dinner                         in hotel and you have the rest of the day at
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