Page 40 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 40


                  Historic Tour

        A wonderful Baroque royal residence,   Latvian capital of Riga, a mélange of   Day 15:
        richly decorated and constructed with a   Teutonic-inspired spires, stylish cocktail   St. Petersburg
        flourish, along with the surrounding park  lounges and some of the world’s most   One of the world's most beautiful cities,
                                            remarkable art nouveau architecture.   St. Petersburg has all the ingredients for
        Day 09:                             Dinner and overnight in Riga (2 nights)  an unforgettable travel experience: high
        Warsaw – Vilnius                    Day 12:                             art, lavish architecture, wild nightlife, an
        After breakfast at the hotel, depart to   Riga – Jurmala – Riga         extraordinary history and rich cultural
        Vilnius. Pass Augustów and Suwalki during   After breakfast a combined coach and   traditions that have inspired and nurtured
        your scenic journey through Masuria, a   walking tour of Riga. The tour includes a   some of the modern world's greatest
        region rich in lakes and vast forests. Cross   panorama view of the City Canal Parks,   literature, music, and visual art. From
        into Lithuania and continue to the capital   the Bastion Hill, the Powder Tower, the   the mysterious twilight of the White
        city of Vilnius. Dinner and overnight (2   Latvian National Theatre, the Fine Arts   Nights to world-beating opera and ballet
        nights)                             Museum, the Freedom Monument, Latvian   productions on magical winter evenings,
                                            National Opera House and the Daugava   St. Petersburg charms and entices in
        Day 10:                             River. Afternoon trip to Jurmala, the largest   every season
        Vilnius                             resort in the Baltic States well known for   Today the main sites to be visited on
        Start your morning at the Baroque Church   its long white sand beaches, curative mud   the tour are Palace Square with the
        of St. Peter and St. Paul before moving   and mineral waters. Return to Riga  Winter Palace, Senate Square with the
        on to see the neoclassical cathedral.                                   monument to Russian Emperor Peter
        Join your Local Expert for a leisurely walk   Day 13:                   the Great, the founder of the city, St.
        through the pretty Old Town and see the   Riga – Tallinn                Isaac’s Square with St. Isaac’s Cathedral,
        Jesuit University and the Gates of Dawn. A   Today your travel head along the shores of   Smolny Cathedral, Cruiser Aurora, Field
        highlight of your travels will be a visit to the   the Gulf of Riga and across the Estonian   of Mars, and Nevsky Prospect. Granite
        fortified island castle of Trakai. Originally   border to reach Tallinn. Hailed by travel   embankments of the Neva River. Visit to
        built in the 13  century and now restored   aficionados as the new Prague, Tallin is   Peter and Paul Fortress, Built in 1703
        to all its glory, this red-brick castle is   a lively city, where history and modern   on a small island it was meant to protect
        located on an island in Lake Galvė. In the   culture merge. From its brightly colored   the city from enemy attacks; and the first
        evening, unwind at your hotel or venture   architecture, to its quirky art scenes, Tallin   construction of St. Petersburg. Visit Peter
        out and explore more of Vilnius. Budding   is made for the curious and creative.   and Paul Cathedral, which towers in the
        artists should head to Užupis, the city’s   Dinner and overnight in Tallinn (2 nights)  center of the fortress served as the burial
        bohemian art district. This relaxed district                            place for Russian Emperors from Peter
        is home to a number of art galleries, coffee   Day 14:                  I. Your evening is free or join an optional
        shops and boutique stores.          Tallinn – St. Petersburg            Boat Ride
                                            Today you will drive towards Russia.
        Day 11:                             After breakfast at the hotel, transfer to St.   Day 16:
        Vilnius – Siauliai – Riga           Petersburg with stop en route to Narva,   St. Petersburg
        Head north to visit the unusual Votive Hill   just before the border    Today we will visit to the world-famous
        of Crosses near Siauliai, the symbol of   with Russia. Continue driving to St.   Hermitage, housing more than four
        resistance against the Soviet occupation.   Petersburg for dinner       million works of art. It ranks among one
        Continue your escorted journey to the   and overnight (3 nights)        of the largest and oldest museums of the

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