Page 108 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 108



        Program                    Boat ride on Skadar Lake (1   Day 03: Podgorica – Ostrog –   second-highest peak, Jezerski
                                                                                        Vrh. Continue driving to Njegushi.
                                   hour). Board the bus and drive
        Itinerary                  to Virpazar. During passage, it is   Transfer by bus to Ostrog   This village is known for its
                                   possible to see numerous birds
                                                              Monastery. This monastery is
                                                                                        specialties such as prosciutto,
                                   such as cormorants, grebes,   the most famous pilgrim place   domestic cheese and delicious
        Day 01:                    ducks, herons, storks hidden   in Montenegro. It is the meeting   mead.
        Podgorica Apt - Podgorica   in reeds. After passing under   point of all three confessions:   Return to Budva.
        Flight to Podgorica International   bridge, on your right side, you will   Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Islam.
        Apt.  Meet our local       see Lesendro fortress from 18th   Transfer back to Podgorica for   Day 05:
        representative, board the coach   century. Thereafter we will pass   lunch.     Budva - Kotor - Perast - Budva
        to transfer to Podgorica city.   between small islands and make   Transfer to Budva. Old Town   Transfer to Kotor.
                                          a turn to Virpazar.  Budva ramparts, which date   Visit Kotor Old town - The guide
                                                              back to the 15  century, include a   will take you through the main
                                          Day 02:             medieval fortification system with   gate of old town Kotor and will
                                          Podgorica - Moraca -   city gates, defensive walls and   visit first the medieval fortune
                                          Tara Bridge - Podgorica  towers. Inside the walls, the town   tower on Kotor main square (Trg
                                          Transfer to Moraca.   is a combination of narrow streets   od oruzja - The place of arms)
                   Tara                   Morača monastery is   and little squares with monuments   with a stone pyramid used as a
                                          located in the valley   of different cultures that marked   pillory. Proceed through narrow
                                          of the Morača River in   its development.     streets to St. Triphon’s piazza and
                                          central Montenegro. It                        visit St. Thripun’s cathedral (11th
                     MONTENEGRO           consists of an assembly   Day 04:             century). Boat ride to the Lady
                                          church, devoted to the   Budva - Cetinje - Njegusi - Budva     on the Rock Island. Perast, is a
             Ostrog                       Assumption of Mary, a   Transfer to Cetinje. Cetinje   lovely little old town in Boka of
          Perast                          small church, devoted   was once the royal capital of   Kotor. Museums and churches,
                                          to Saint Nicola, and   Montenegro.            but above all, the main attraction
        Kotor                             lodgings for travelers.   It is a small but vibrating town,   is the island Our Lady of the Rock
                                          Continue driving to Tara   where all the Montenegrin art   – is one of the two islets off the
        Budva        Podgorica            Bridge. Built between   academies are located. Continue   coast of Perast in Bay of Kotor.
                                          1937 and 1940,      driving to Njegusi, through   Back to hotel in Budva.
                                          Djurdjevica Tara Bridge,   National Park of Lovcen. (Optional
                                          represents one of the   Visit - 1 hour).  Lovćen’s star   Day 06:
                                          most visited attractions   attraction is the magnificent   Budva - Podgorica Apt
                                          in Montenegro. Transfer   mausoleum (built 1970 to 1974),   Breakfast at the hotel, check out
                                          back to Podgorica.  which sits at the top of its   and depart for Podgorica airport
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