Page 106 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 106



        Program                    Visit of Shkodra - The tour will   amidst stunning panoramic views   Pine is among the most massive
                                                              of the Drini River Valley, canyons,
                                   give insights of the Rozafa Fortress,
                                                                                        species and is remarkable for its
        Itinerary                  old characteristic houses where   waterfalls and amazing rock   ecological significance.
                                   wood, stone.
                                                              formations. Transfer to Prizren - The
                                                                                        Continue driving and enjoy the
                                                              walking tour will explore the Old   scenic mountain ride, descending
        Day 01:                    Day 02:                    town with its Ottoman bridge, water   the pristine beaches of Ionian
        Apt - Tirana - Shkodra     Shkodra - Theth - Shkodra  fountain, their unique mosques and   Sea, Himara beach town and
        Meet our English-speaking guide   Transfer by Jeep cars to Thethi   orthodox churches.  fortress of Ali Pashe Tepelena in
        at the airport and transfer to the   National Park. While you drive on          Porto Palermo Bay.
        first site, Shkodra City.  the road through the nice valley   Day 04:           Depart for Butrinti - This
                                          of Shkrel you will find   Prizren - Kruja      impressive walking tour will
                                          yourself in the village of   Transfer to Kruja. Visit the   stir your imagination about the
                                          Boga, a place where   castle walls, Historical Museum   ancient word during the peak
                                          you can taste the nice   dedicated Skanderbeg, and   of the Roman power and the
                            KOSOVO        water that flows from the   an old house converted into an   classical Greek mythology.
                                          craggy mountains and   ethnographic museum, invites
                     Valbone              waters the meadows. It   you to a special cultural aspect of   Day 07:
                                          would take more or less   life in northern Albania.  Blue Eye - Gjirokastra - Tirana
           Shkoder  ALBANIA               three hours to see some                       Board the bus and transfer to
                                          of the most beautiful   Day 05:               Gjirokastra. Visit Blue Eye - The
                                          and interesting places   Kruja - Berat - Vlora     water in the inner source is very
                     Kruja                of Theth such as: The   Transfer to Berat. Walking tour of   dark blue, like the pupil of an eye,
           Durres     Tirana              Church of the Village,   Berat, known as the “City of one   and a lighter color of blue as an
                                          Two small museum    thousand windows” and declared   outer ring - the iris, which gives the
                                          houses, The Watershed   a Museum City”. Transfer to   impression of a blue eye. Continue
          Ardenica                        of Grunas.          Vlora - Explore the Independence   our driving to Gjirokastra, which has
          Apollonia   Berat                                   Square and the Muradie Mosque   earned the city the nickname “Town
                                          Day 3: Shkodra -    in the city center of Vlora.  of the Stones”, because most of
                                          Koman Lake - Valbona                          the old houses have roofs covered
            Llogara     Gjirokaster       - Prizren           Day 06:                   with stones.
                                          Transfer to Koman   Vlora - Butrinti - Saranda      Depart for Tirana.
                Saranda                   Dam. Aboard the ferry   Drive towards Llogara National
                 Butrint                  and enjoy a 3-hours   Park - This Park is notable for its   Day 08:
                                          sailing in Koman Lake   expansive pine forests. The Flag   Tirana - Airpot
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