Page 110 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 110



        Program                    harbor, Franciscan monastery, St.   massive, clear, natural pool with   embraced in a magic greenery of
                                                              high waterfalls at one end and
                                   Laurence Fortress, Sponza and
                                                                                        the forests and meadows.
        Itinerary                  Rector’s Palaces, Bell Tower Clock   cascades at the other.   Day 06:
                                   and Orlando’s Column.
                                                              Bus transfer to Zadar. City tour
                                                              of Zadar - The most famous   Plivitce Lakes - Trogir
        Day 01:                    Day 02:                    monument and a symbol of the   Bus transfer to Trogir. Walking tour
        APT - Dubrovnik            Dubrovnik - Split - Sibenik   city is the church of St. Donatus   of Trogir - Trogir is a historic city
        Meet your local guide and start   Bus transfer to Split. City tour of   from the 9th century, which was   in Croatia. The result of its long
        with the city tour of Dubrovnik.   Split – “The most beautiful city   built on the remains of the ancient   history is that Trogir today has a
        Walking tour of Old Dubrovnik   in the world”, as locals like to   Roman Forum.   good number of palaces, churches
        town will take you by the old   boast, is a blend of old and new,               and towers. The old part of Trogir
                                   tradition and modern, local and   Day 04:            is on an island.The historic city of
                                          cosmopolitan.        Zadar - Zagreb           Trogir was inscribed as a UNESCO
                                          Bus transfer to Sibenik.   Bus transfer to Zagreb. Zagreb   World Heritage Site.
                                          Walking tour of Sibenik   City Tour - The highlights of
                                          old town, a coffee break   the sightseeing tour will include   Day 07:
                                          and visit from outside of   the fortified, mediaeval Upper   Trogir - Dubrovnik Cable Car -
                                          St James Cathedral, the   Town, St. Mark’s Church with   Cavtat
                                          Mediterranean garden   its multicolored tile roof, the   Bus transfer to Dubrovnik. Take
           Plitvice                       and the promenade.   baroque church of St. Catherine,   Dubrovnik cable Car, visit and
                                                              St. Stephen’s Cathedral, and the   be amazed with the breathtaking
                                          Day 03:             Parliament with the Government   views of the Old City of Dubrovnik,
                                          Sibenik - Krka National   Palace.             the clear Adriatic Sea, and the
        Zadar                             Park - Zadar                                  numerous islands. Boat ride to
                  Krka National Park      Bus transfer to Krka   Day 05:                Cavtat - Although it is quite small,
           Sibenik                        National Park. Walking   Zagreb - Plivitce Lakes  it has lots of restaurants and
                                                              Bus transfer to Plivitce Lakes.
                                                                                        bars and the food is great. Many
                                          tour and boat excursion
              Trogir                      in Krka National Park   Tour of Plitvice National Park   of these are looking out to sea
                                          - just a few km from   - Embraced by high wooded   and have wonderful views of the
                                          the city of Sibenik,   mountains, one beneath another   sunset.
                                          this beauty is a must   lie sixteen beautiful lakes of crystal
                                          see for every visitor.   blue-green water. There are sixteen   Day 08:
                            Cavtat        Skradinski buk is one   blue-green lakes connected   Cavtat - Apt
                                          of the most attractive   to each other by a series of   Free time until time of your
                                          parts of the park. It is a   waterfalls, resembling a pearl, all   departure.
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