Page 114 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 114



        Program                    Day 02:                    PM: We will visit Bled – for   horses, raised at Lipica´s stud
                                                              many favourite stop during
        Itinerary                  Ljubljana - Radovljica - Bled -   their stay in Slovenia. On our   You will visit Piran – this lovely,
                                                              way to Bled we will stop in
                                                                                        romantic coastal city will invite
        Day 01:                    AM: Sighteeing of ancient city   medieval city Radovljica to   you to walk through Tartini
        Pick-up point (airport) -   Ljubljana with famous sights,   have a lunch.       square and its narrow streets.
        Ljubljana                  including some masterpieces   Continuing towards Bled, after   PM: After the meal you will be
        You will get your first    architected by world famous   a panoramic ride by Lake   taken to Portorož where you
        impression of Ljubljana    architect Jože Plečnik will take   Bled you will have a chance   will be offered some time for
        through panoramic tour of   place. Last but not least you   to visit and island and its   leisure.
        this charming city which will   will climb the hill (using funicular   church  with the traditional   Day will be concluded with
        be ended with a ride to a   railway) to Ljubljana Castle   »Pletna« boat take a walk or   a ride back to the hotel in
        hotel where we you will be   from where you will be able to   relax on the coast of Slovenia´s   Ljubljana and an overnight.
        accommodated for the next 4   enjoy a view over the city and   fairytale lake, take photos of   Possible a stop to visit world
        days (3 nights).           surroundings.              wonderful scenery of a castle   famous Postojna Cave.
                                                              and mountains behind, and last   The cave is partly discovered
                                                              but not least you will be invited   by train (local guiding included)
                                                              to taste a famous »kremšnita«
                                                              (Bled Cream Cake). Return   Day 04:
                                                              back to the hotel in Ljubljana   Ljubljana - Zbilje - Drop off
                                   SLOVENIA                   and overnight.            point (Airport)
                   Bled                                                                 AM: On the way to the airport
                          Zbilje                              Day 03:                   you will be taken to Zbilje to
                                                              Ljubljana - Lipica - Piran -   have a (morning) coffee by the
                            Ljubljana                         Portorož - (Postojna) - Ljubljana  lake where a bunch of swans
                                                              AM: We will leave Ljubljana and   gather to enjoy treasures of the
                        Postojna                              head towards Adriatic coast   nature.
                   Lipica                                     and Primorska wine region. On   After this relaxing stop the
           Piran                                              our way to the coast we will   guide will take you to the
                                                              stop in Lipica where you will   airport to end your journey
               Portoroz                                       have a chance to admire the   in Slovenia and wish you a
                                                              world famous white Lipizzaner   pleasant flight back home.

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