Page 118 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 118



        Program                    impressive sites are the Alexander   exhibits connected with history of   beautiful Revival houses and
        Itinerary                  Nevski Cathedral dominating   the monastery and the spread of   churches.
                                                                                        Dinner and overnight in Plovdiv
                                                              Christianity of the Bulgarian lands.
                                   the city, the round church of
        Day 01:                    St. George, which is the best   Return to Sofia      Day 04:
                                                              Dinner and overnight in Sofia
                                   preserve Byzantine building,
        Sofia Apt – Sofia          the Russian church St. Nicolas,                      Plovdiv – Kazanluk – Veliko
        Arrival in Sofia Airport.   St Petka Church, Banya Bashi   Day 03:              Tarnovo
        Meet your Guide and transfer to   Mosque, the ruins of ancient   Sofia – Bachkovo Monastery –   Leaving behind Plovdiv we
        your hotel.                Serdica and some more.     Plovdiv                   continue to the town of Kazanluk.
        Dinner and overnight in Sofia   Bus transfer to Boyana Church.   After breakfast at the hotel, depart   The area is well known as The
                                   You will visit Boyana church   for Rhodopi Mountains and   Valley of the Thracian Kings due
        Day 02:                    located in Vitosha Mountain, part   will visit the famous Bachkovo   to the numerous Thracian tombs
        Sofia – Rila Monastery – sofia  of the UNESCO world heritage   Monastery. It is the second largest   discovered in the surroundings.
        After breakfast you will enjoy a   list.              in Bulgaria and one of the oldest   Visit one of the finest examples –
        comprehensive city tour of Sofia   Continue driving to Rila   Eastern Orthodox monasteries in   a replica of the oldest discovered
        and get to know the highlights   Monastery. Visit Rila Monastery.   Europe. The Cathedral Church of   Thracian tomb listed in UNESCO
        of the capital. Among the most   This Monastery is a sanctuary of   the Virgin Mary (dating from 1604)   World Heritage.
                                   Bulgarian literature and spiritual   is the place where a valuable icon   Cross the Balkan Mountains via
                                            life. Founded in the   of Virgin Mary Eleusa from 1310   historical Shipka pass which
                                            middle of the 10th   is kept (brought from Georgia).   played a key role in the Russo
                                            century by St. Ivan   According to the legend, the icon   – Turkish Liberation war for
                                            of Rila. It is included   is wonder – working, attracting   Bulgaria.
          BULGARIA                          in the UNESCO     many pilgrims.            Continue our drive to Veliko
                                                              In the afternoon we continue
                                            world heritage list.
                                                                                        Tarnovo.  Walk to Tsarevets
                          Veliko Tarnovo    We shall see the   to Plovdiv – Bulgaria’s second   fortress where the Bulgarian kings
              Sofia                          monastery church   largest city. It has preserved   once lived. Walk along the oldest
                         Kazanluk           with its amazing   ruins from Roman, Ottoman and   merchant street in the town called
                                            frescos painted by   Bulgarian Revival period. During   Samovodska Charshia. There
                                            the most famous   our city tour, you will see the   guests can see masters who
                                            Bulgarian finest   Roman Forum, and Stadium as   pursue their crafts according to
   Rila Monastery  Plovdiv                  artists from 19th   well as the Roman Amphitheater   old traditions.
                                            century c. and the   dating back to the 2nd AD. Walk
                                            monastery museum   along the tiny cobbled streets   Dinner and overnight in Veliko
                                   housing a rich collection of   of the old town surrounded by   Tarnovo

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