Page 123 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 123

Mostar has survived two wars
        in the past century and has                                                     Sarajevo
        since resurrected from its own
        ashes, showcasing a city with                                                   City Break
        amazing architectural sites.
        Stari Most, or Old Bridge, is a                                                 Day 01:
        16th century Ottoman bridge                                                     Arrival at airport and transfer to
        that crosses the river Neretva                                                  the hotel centrally located
        and connects two parts                                                          Orientation Tour of Sarajevo
        of the city. The Old Bridge                                                     Here we can go back in time to
        stood for 427 years, until it                                                   see the legacy of the two great
        was destroyed on November                                                       empires that ruled this land.
                                                                                        The Ottomans (from1463-1878)
        9, 1993 during the Croat-                                                       were followed by the Austro
        Bosniak War, but was also                                                       Hungarians (1878 – 1918).
        reconstructed by UNESCO
        in 2001. On either side of the                                                  Day 02:
        Old Bridge, you'll discover two                                                 Sarajevo
        towers that date back to the                                                    After breakfast, we leave the hotel
        age of the Old Bridge. The                                                      to walk through Sarajevo’s old
        towers were used to house                                                       town, passing through 500 years
        bridge guardians, armories,                                                     of history. Your experience will
                                                                                        include the following:
        and store gunpowder. Today,                                                     Bascarsija- the historic and
        one of the towers is a mosque                                                   cultural center of Sarajevo, built in
        and offers an exhibition of                                                     1462 by the Ottomans
        Mostar's history and the                                                        Sebilj Square (1753) – the public
        destruction of the Old Bridge.                                                  fountain; still a meeting point for
        Visit Karadjoz-Beg Mosque,                                                      Sarajevans today
        which is the largest mosque in                                                  Ottoman mosques – including
        Herzegovina built in 1557 and                                                   Ottoman Hostels and
        designed by Turkish architect                                                   Caravanserais – such as Isa
                                                                                        Begova Han (1462). The legacy
        Koca Mimar Sinan.                                                               of Gazi Husref Bey – this brilliant
        Dinner and overnight in Mostar                                                  general was governor of Bosnia
                                                                                        and Sarajevo’s greatest patron,
        Day 04: Mostar – Kravice –                                                      leaving many public buildings that
        Pocitejl – Blagaj – Sarajevo                                                    are still enjoyed today. Svrzo’s
        Breakfast at the hotel and                                                      house – a wonderfully preserved
        check out. Trip includes                                                        merchant’s home from the 18th
        visit to Kravice waterfall, the                                                 Century. Recreate the route of the
        pearl of Herzegovina. During                                                    Austro-Hungarian emperor Franz
                                                                                        Ferdinand on that fateful day – his
        the summer days, stunning                                                       assassination on 28 June 1914
        waterfall of Trebižat River, offers                                             – leading to the start of World
        you to cool yourself down                                                       War 1
        and take a swim. Continue                                                       Sarajevo City Hall – built by the
        driving to Počitelj, a historic                                                 Austro- Hungarians and one of
        town and a UNESCO world                                                         the most beautiful building in
        heritage site. The walled town                                                  Sarajevo, combining Moorish and
        of Počitelj is embodiment of                                                    European architectural styles
        oriental - Mediterranean period                                                 Post Office – this splendidly
                                                                                        decorated building was to
        of historical development in this                                               be the main correspondence
        area. Proceed afterwards to                                                     link between Europe and the
        visit the amazing Blagaj Tekke                                                  Ottoman Empire
        or Dervish house, which is                                                      Afternoon and evening for
        Islamic monastery that gives                                                    strolling and enjoying the sights
        you complacency! It was built                                                   and sounds of Sarajevo
        during the Ottoman period and                                                   Dinner and overnight in Sarajevo
        it is considered one of the most
        mystical places in all of Bosnia                                                Day 03: Sarajevo – Apt
                                                                                        Breakfast in the hotel, free time
        and Herzegovina                                                                 on your own until departure.
        Guests can enjoy souvenir                                                       Transfer to the Airport
        shopping in Blagaj                                                              Optional tours: Tunnel of Life
        Drive to Sarajevo
        Dinner and overnight in

        Day 05:  Herzegovina trip
        After breakfast, check out of                                                           Book Now
        the hotel.                                                                 
        Free time until your departure
        to the Airport for your flight
        back home
        End of service
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