Page 120 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 120



        Program                    legacy of the communist    Sinaia and visit the Peles   the scenic route to Sighisoara
        Itinerary                  era while visiting the second   Castle. The castle in Peles   via Bicaz Gorges. En route
                                                              Valley, the summer residence
                                   largest building in the world,
                                                                                        to Sighisoara stop in Corund
                                   the Palace of Parliament, built   of Romanian royalty, was   and visit the local pottery
        Day 01:                    by the dictator Ceausescu.   built during the rule of Carol   workshops. Overnight in
                                                              I (1866-1914) and today
        Bucharest                  Dinner and overnight in    it is an important national   Sighisoara.
        Welcome in Rumania.                                   monument of XIX century   Day 04:
        Arrival at Airport. Transfer to   Day 02:             Europe. Continue to Bran   Day-trip to Sibiu
        Bucharest                  Bucharest - Sinaia - Brasov  Castle for the visit.  The   After breakfast at the hotel,
        Explore Bucharest, the capital   Drive or take the train to   possible imprisonment of Vlad   departure to Sibiu
        of Romania. Experience the                            the Impaler here earned the   Sightseeing in Sibiu.
                                                              medieval castle its nickname,   Highlights include:
                                                              "Dracula's Castle."  Proceed   Craftsmen's Square, Huet
                                                              driving straight to Brasov.   Square and Evangelical
                                                              Overnight in Brasov.
                                                                                        Church, Bridge of Lies,
                     ROMANIA                                  Day 03: Brasov - Sighisoara   Goldsmith Square, Great
                                                              Sightseeing in Brasov.    Square, Orthodox Cathedral,
                                                                                        Roman Catholic Church,
                                Sighisoara                    Highlights include: the   City Hall Tower. Drive back
                                                              Council Square, the beautiful
                       Sibiu                                  Saint Nicholas Church,    to Brasov. Overnight in in
                                                              Brasov Fortress, and      Brasov.
                                      Brasov                  Franciscan Monastery. Do
                                                              not miss the Black Church   Day 05:
                                      Sinaia                  whose name is attributed to a    Return to Bucharest
                                            Bucharest         fire set in 1689 by disgruntled   Depending on your flight
                                                              invaders unable to breach the   details, you may have
                                                              city's walls. Ever since, the   some free time in Brasov
                                                              church and its red-tiled roof   or continue drive back to
                                                              have been ash-stained. Take   Bucharest Airport
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