Page 116 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 116



        Program                    Dinner and overnight in Skopje   city a vast range of diverse cultures.   between southwestern Macedonia
        Itinerary                  Day 02:                    Historically, Tetovo has been a   and eastern Albania. It is one
                                                                                        of Europe's deepest and oldest
                                                              nationalist center for Albanians.
                                                                                        ecosystem that is of worldwide
                                                              Mosque") is located near the Pena
        Day 01:                    Skopje – Matka lake – Skopje  The Šarena Džamija ("The Painted   lakes, preserving a unique aquatic
                                   Breakfast at the hotel, check out and
        Skopje apt – Skopje        depart to Matka Lake, an area of   River in the old part of town.   importance, with more than 200
        Welcome in Macedonia!!! Arrive at   untouched natural scenery (1 hour)  Continue driving towards the   endemic species. The importance
        Skopje Airport. Transfer to Skopje   Boat ride on the Lake   National Park of Mavrovo, located   of the lake was further emphasized
        (40 min)                   Sightseeing at the location and boat   in the western-central part of   when it was declared a World
        City Tour of Skopje. With its 2500   ride on Matka Lake and Vrelo Cave   the country, the National Park of   Heritage site by UNESCO in 1979
        years existence Skopje has many   Matka – A gorge in which a rich   Mavrovo offers the highest mountain   Visit St. Naum Park in the afternoon
        touristic spots and a huge legacy   complex of mediaeval building   peaks in Macedonia. These peaks,   Free time for shopping – please note
        left from different periods of its   survives, including churches,   some of which are Shara, Deshad   Pearls of Ohrid
        existence. The tour will highlight the   monasteries and remnants of a   and Bistra, are topped by the   Dinner and overnight in Ohrid
        Old Town, the narrow streets in the   fortress (the mediaeval town of   imposing Great Korab Mountain
        Old Bazaar, and the beautiful quay   Matka). There are dozens of caves   (2,764 meters or 9,069 feet high).   Day 05:
        of the Macedonian river “Vardar”, an   and large number of endemic plants   Visit St. Bigorski Monastery   Ohrid – Bitola – Skopje
        exciting tourist destination.  and animals.           Spend the evening by the lake in the    Breakfast at the hotel, check out
                                        Drive back to Skopje   beautiful city of Ohrid.  and depart for Bitola. Free time in
                                        Free time for shopping   Dinner and overnight in Ohrid   the main square of Bitola.
                                        Dinner and overnight in                         It is one of the oldest cities in
                   Skopje               Skopje                Day 04:                   Macedonia with long tradition, the
                                                                                        city of the counsels from ottoman
                                        Day 03:               Breakfast at the hotel, check out   period, mixture of the cultures..
           Tetovo                       Skopje – Tetovo – Mavrovo   and start the walking tour of Ohrid   The city is an administrative,
                      MACEDONIA         – Skopje              old town                  cultural, industrial, commercial, and
                                                              Lunch at a local restaurant in the
                                        After breakfast at the hotel,
                                                                                        educational center. Bitola is one of
        Mavrovo                         check out and depart to   old town. You can spend pleasant   the oldest cities on the territory in
                                                                                        the Republic of Macedonia. It was
                                                              moments in our restaurant and enjoy
                                        Ohrid with stop en route in
                                        Tetovo (1 h). Visit Tetovo.   our various specialties of high quality   founded as Heraclea Lyncestis in
                 Bitola                 Tetovo has been under many   food, vide choice of original drinks   the middle of the 4th century BC
                                        different empires; from the   and pleasant ambience of calmness   by Philip II of Macedon. During the
                                        Mycenae and Illyrians, to   during the day…     Ottoman rule the city together with
          Ohrid                         the Romans, Byzantines   Boat trip in Ohrid Lake Lake Ohrid,   Salonica were the two reigning cities
                                        and Ottomans, giving the   straddles the mountainous border   of Ottoman Rumelia.
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