Page 122 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 122



        Program                    empires that ruled this land.   Tour we learn about people’s   – a wonderfully preserved
        Itinerary                  The Ottomans (from1463-    desperate struggle in the   merchant’s home from the 18th
                                                              brutal 3 year siege of Sarajevo,
                                                                                        Century. Recreate the route of
                                   1878) were followed by the
                                   Austro Hungarians (1878 –   surrounded by Serb guns. Visit   the Austro-Hungarian emperor
                                   1918).                     Tunnel of Life            Franz Ferdinand on that fateful
        Day 01: Airport – Sarajevo   The bravery of Sarajevans   Dinner and overnight in   day – his assassination on 28
        Arrive in Sarajevo airport.   to defend their city and   Sarajevo               June 1914 – leading to the
        Transfer to Sarajevo       community has been recorded                          start of World War 1
        Orientation Tour of Sarajevo   through the ages. We can   Day 02: Sarajevo      Sarajevo City Hall – built by the
        Here we can go back in time to   see some of these touching   After breakfast, we leave   Austro- Hungarians and one of
        see the legacy of the two great   reminders today. In the War   the hotel to walk through   the most beautiful building in
                                                              Sarajevo’s old town, passing   Sarajevo, combining Moorish
                                                              through 500 years of history.   and European architectural
                                                              Your experience will include the   styles
                                                              following:                Post Office – this splendidly
                         BOSNIA &                             Bascarsija- the historic and   decorated building was to
                         HERZEGOVNIA                          cultural center of Sarajevo, built   be the main correspondence
                                                              in 1462 by the Ottomans
                                                                                        link between Europe and the
                                 Sarajevo                     Sebilj Square (1753) – the   Ottoman Empire
                                                              public fountain; still a meeting
                                                                                        Afternoon and evening for
                                                              point for Sarajevans today  strolling and enjoying the sights
                                                              Ottoman mosques – including   and sounds of Sarajevo
                                                              Ottoman Hostels and       Dinner and overnight in
                                                              Caravanserais – such as Isa   Sarajevo
                                   Mostar                     Begova Han (1462). The legacy
                   Kravica                                    of Gazi Husref Bey – this   Day 03: Sarajevo – Mostar
                                                                                        After breakfast at the hotel,
                                                              brilliant general was governor
                                      Blagaj                  of Bosnia and Sarajevo’s   check out and depart to
                                                              greatest patron, leaving many   Mostar. The city is filled with
                                                              public buildings that are still   a rich history which includes
                                                              enjoyed today. Svrzo’s house   Byzantine and Ottoman origins.
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