Page 126 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 126



        Program                    Day 02:                    of a Gothic brick-built castle”  famous for its remarkable
        Itinerary                  Warsaw “The Paris of the East”  After check-out proceed with   monuments which stand as part
                                                                                        of world cultural heritage from
                                                              Transfer to Żuławy Wiślane a
                                   AM: Warsaw Sightseeing tour:
        Day 01:                    Walk around The Old Town –   charming area of the polish   UNESCO, as well as for the
                                                                                        renowned for Nicolaus Copernicus
                                   UNESCO – listed site, enjoy the
                                                              countryside with the biggest brick
        Arrival                    view of the St. John’s Cathedral,   castle in the world Malbork Castle,   and gingerbread. The Gothic
        Assistance and greeting by our   and discover the place where the   a valuable Polish monument and a   buildings of Toruń’s Old Quarter,
        representative at Warsaw Airport   last king of Poland was crowned   unique fortified complex from the   present proof of economic, cultural
        Transfer and accommodation in   and buried here, and where he also   Middle Ages.  and intellectual ties of Toruń
        hotel                      declared the Constitution of May   PM: Transfer to Gdansk.  with the leading cities of Europe
        Welcome dinner and orientation   3/1971.              Leisure time and orientation in the   associated in the Hanseatic
        tour in Warsaw.            PM:  Optional Tour Wilanow   city followed by Dinner.  League dating back to the Middle
                                   Palace: Wilanów Palace is a                          Ages.
                                   royal palace and one of the most   Day 04:           PM: Transfer and overnight to
                                   important buildings in Warsaw.   Gdansk “The capital of the   Wroclaw
                                          It survived Poland’s   Pomeranian Voivodeship”
                                          partitions and both   AM: A whole-day tour in Gdansk.    Day 06:
             Gdansk                       World Wars, and apart   Explore the Royal Road, the Main   Wroclaw “The capital of Poland-s
                       Malbork Castle     from history it features   Town Hall, Artus’ Court, St. Mary   lower Silesia”
                                          a museum of fine arts,   church, the largest gothic church   City tour of “The Venice of the
         POLAND                           a baroque garden and   in the world and the largest church   North” combined with river cruise:
                                          a landscaped park that   in Poland, the old port crane, the   Wroclaw is one of the oldest
               Torun                      lead to nowadays name:   Monument to the Fallen Shipyard   and the most beautiful cities in
                                          “Polish Versailles”.  Workers of 1970, cruise to   Poland, it is an exceptional city
                           Warsaw         Optional: Chopin    Westerplatte, the Oliwa Cathedral,   of 12 islands and more than 100
                                          Concert; spend your   the 12th century church and   bridges. The rich history of the city
                                          evening in company of   monastery.            is reflected in its architecture where
        Wroclaw                           the music of the famous   Optional:           some of its prominent buildings  as
                                          Polish composer and   - Kashubian Dinner.     “The Cathedral Island”, the City hall
                                          virtuoso pianist of the                       are The Wroclaw
                                          Romantic era Frédéric   Day 05:               city hall are  counted
                 Auschwitz  Krakow        François Chopin.    Torun “One of the 7 wonders of   among the most splendid Gothic-
                                                              Poland”                   Renaissance buildings in Central
                           Wieliczka Salt Mine  Day 03:       AM Transfer to Toruń: One of the   Europe.
                                          Malbork Castle “The   oldest and the most beautiful   Optional:  Food & Vodka Culture
                                          most complete example   Polish cities. It has become   Tour (2 hours).
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