Page 130 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 130



        Program                    The rest of the day is at leisure.   (symbol of the greatness of   Day 04:
                                                                                        Rome – Naples – Pompeii –
                                                              Rome all over the world), Ancient
        Itinerary                  Welcome dinner in hotel and   Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, And   Rome
                                                              Constantine’s Arch. Go on with   AM: Departing from Rome
        Day 01:                    Day 02:                    the visit crossing the valley of the   to discover one of the most
        Rome                       Rome                       Imperial Forum and reaching the   important archaeological sites
        Arrival in Rome and transfer to   AM: 3-hour Ancient Rome   Palatine Hill.      in the world .You will enjoy the
        the hotel booked.          Walking Tour with: Colosseum   PM: Continue with 3-hour   tours of Naples and Pompeii
                                                              Baroque Tour :visiting Piazza del   crossing the Roman countryside
                                                              Popolo, the Spanish Steps, the   through the area known as the
                                                              Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, Pi-  ‘Castelli Romani’. Leave the city,
                                                              azza Navona, the Fountain of the   and travel south toward Mount
                              Venice                          Four River and Campo de’ Fiori.   Vesuvius, passing the towns of
                      ITALY                                   Choose one of the many restau-  Ercolano (Herculaneum), Torre
                                                              rants in the piazza to taste the   del Greco and Torre Annunziata
                                                              typical roman cuisine.    before arriving in the town of
                                                                                        Pompeii. PM: Visit Pompeii’s
                                                              Day 03:                   UNESCO-listed ruins on a
                                                              Rome                      2hour walking tour. The Site is
                                                              AM: You will take part of a Vati-  one of the most popular tourist
                                                              can Tour: admire the magnificent   attractions in Italy, with approx-
                                  Rome                        Sistine Chapel and the St. Peter   imately 2,500,000 visitors per
                                                              Basilica and Square. The Vatican   year. At the end of the visit in the
                                                              is known all over the world as   late afternoon you will return to
                                         Pompeii              the central governing body of the   the coach for a journey back to
                                                              Catholic Church. In the Sistine   Rome.
                                                              Chapel you will
                                                              see the Creation and the Last   Day 05:
                                                              Judgment, believed to be   Florence
                                                              Michelangelo’s masterpieces in   AM: You will be  accompanied
                                                              painting. The tour finishes in St.   to near Rome’s Termini railway
                                                              Peter’s Square, where you can   station from where you will
                                                              admire Bernini’s clever optical   depart for your next destination –
                                                              illusion.                 Florence. Travelling in First-class

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