Page 132 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 132



        Program                    greeted by a local guide, who   Day 02:              PM: Lake Geneva Cruise (6.5
        Itinerary                  will support               Zurich – Geneva           hours tour) - Relax and enjoy
                                                                                        all the scenic beauty of the lake
                                                              AM: City tour of Zurich.
                                   you during your transfer to the
                                   booked hotel.              Zurich’s highlights: the Dolder   with a fully narrated tour as you
        Day 01:                    PM: After Lunch, free time for   vantage point, Bahnhofstrasse,   cruise completely around lovely
        Zurich                     leisure.                   Zurich Opera House, Lake   Geneva Lake
        AM: Arrival to Zurich      Dinner at the hotel.       Zurich, Swiss Federal Institute   Stettler Chocolate Workshop-
        International Airport.     Orientation walk:          of Technology ETH, Zurich   The Chocolaterie Stettler
        There you will be assisted and   - Zurich by night.   University, Kunsthaus, Old   invites you to visit its workshop
                                                              Town, and Zürichberg.     and to discover the history of
                                                              Bus transfer to Bern UNESCO   chocolate and the secrets of
                                                              World Heritage Site.      how it is made.
                                                              PM: Enjoy a stroll through
                                                              the old town and marvel at   Day 04:
                                                              the late Gothic Cathedral, the   Geneva – Zermatt
                                                              Muenster, with its stunning   AM: Bus ride to Chillon Castle.
                                                              portal and its depiction of the   Guided visit of the Castle -
                          Lucerne                             Last Judgment.            Visiting the Castle
                                          LIECHTENSTEIN       Free time for lunch on your   of Chillon is like
                            SWITZERLAND                       own.                      going back in time! Each hall
                                                              Transfer to Geneva.       or room
                  Chillon Castle                                                        unveils a part
                                                              Day 03:                   of the castle’s history.
                                                              Geneva                    Transfer to Tasch via the
                                             St. Moritz
                                                              AM: The old town and its   magical Alps.
                      Zermatt                                 treasures - See top attractions,   PM: Transfer
                                                              such as the fountain of Jet   by Van from Tasch
                                                              d’Eau in Lake Geneva, St.   to Zermatt.
                                                              Pierre’s Cathedral, the Flower   Free time for dinner
     132                                                      Clock, and more.          on your own.
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