Page 127 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 127

Day 07:                                                                         Warsaw
        Jasna Gora Monastery & Travel to
        Krakow                                                                          City Break
        AM: Full-day tour to the Jasna
        Góra one of Poland’s most
        important pilgrimage sites. Visit                                               Day 01:
        the Monastery in Czestochowa,                                                   Arrival at airport and transfer
        See the chapel, the basilica, the                                               to the hotel centrally located.
        museum, the arsenal, the Knights’                                               Enjoy the evening Warsaw by
        Hall. See where the Blessed                                                     Night Tour.
        Virgin Mary was declared Queen
        of Poland in 1657. Witness the                                                  Day 02:
        Black Madonna, one of Polish                                                    Warsaw Full Day Explorer
        Catholicism’s most sacred artifacts.                                            4 hours sight seeing tour :
        PM: Transfer to Krakow - Free time                                              Discover the city of Fryderyk
        in the city.                                                                    Chopin, one of the world’s
        Optional: Polish Folklore Dinner
                                                                                        great composers, who was
                                                                                        born and raised in Warsaw.
        Day 08:
        Krakow “Founded on the defeat of                                                Afternoon at leisure or join one
        a dragon”                                                                       of our Optional Tours, such as
        AM: City tour of Krakow. Enjoy the                                              the Jewish Heritage Tour: Trace
        main city highlights in a walking                                               the story of Warsaw’s Jewish
        tour. Visit the old town, Wawel                                                 community – visit the Ghetto
        Castle, Rynek Główny, Europe’s                                                  Wall, the Nożyk Synagogue,
        largest market square. If you                                                   the Jewish Cemetery, and
        believe the legends, Kraków was                                                 the Museum of the History of
        founded on the defeat of a dragon,                                              Polish Jews POLIN located at
        and it’s true a mythical atmosphere                                             the heart of what was once the
        permeates its attractive streets and                                            Jewish neighbourhood, next to
        squares.                                                                        the Monument of the Ghetto
        PM: Auschwitz / Birkenau Tour.                                                  Heroes. You may attend as well
        Experience a piece of history                                                   the evening Eat Polska Tour:
        from World War II, the former                                                   The Food Tour gives you an
        Nazi concentration camp, today                                                  opportunity to taste fantastic
        listed in UNESCO protected sites.                                               Polish dishes and hear the
        View the prison dormitories, gas                                                stories behind them.
        chambers and exhibitions at
        Auschwitz. Also see Birkenau’s                                                  Day 03:
        watchtowers, fences, barracks and                                               Breakfast in your hotel,
        gas chambers and the memorials                                                  free time on your own until
        to the camps’ victims.                                                          departure.
        Dinner on own followed by leisure
        time.                                                                           Optional tours:
                                                                                        - Warsaw by Night, Jewish
        Day 09:                                                                         Heritage Tour, Eat Polska Tour.
        Full day in Krakow
        Explore the city on your own. Visit
        the old town, Jewish quarter.
        Optional tour: The Wieliczka Salt
        Mine, one of the largest tourist
        attractions in Poland, registered
        on the UNESCO list and visited
        by over a million tourists every
        year. Opened in the 13  century,
        the mine produced table salt
        continuously until 2007, as one
        of the world’s oldest salt mines in
        Optional Tour: Oskar Schindler’s
        Factory Take a journey in the story
        of Krakow before and during World
        War II, Learn about life during the
        Nazi occupation of Poland, and
        see the real-life places featured in
        the film ‘Schindler’s List’.                                                            Book Now
        Farewell dinner for the whole group                                        

        Day 10: Departure
        Transfer to the airport for your
        departure flight.
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