Page 102 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 102


                  Latvia Tour

         Day                   Departure                    Tour                         Overnight
         Day 01                Riga Airport                 Riga                         Riga
         Day 02                Riga                         Riga                         Riga
         Day 03                Riga                         Rundale                      Riga
         Day 04                Riga                         Jurmala                      Riga
         Day 05                Riga - Airport
        Program                             Arts Museum, the Art Nouveau Buildings of   Bartolomeo Rastrelli, who also designed the
                                            the beginning of the 20th century, the Freedom
                                                                                famous Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. The
        Itinerary                           Monument, University of Latvia, Latvian   palace has a beautiful park that was created
        Day 01:                             National Opera House and the Daugava River.   in the French style. One can see unique prime
                                                                                stairwells, created by Rastrelli and the Golden
                                            During the walking part of the tour you will
        - Riga                              enjoy the beauty of the ancient Hanseatic City:   Hall, former audience hall of the Duke. Lunch
        Arrival in Riga. Meeting with a guide in Riga   picturesque streets of the Old Town, the Dome   in Rundale.Continue to Mezotne Castle, built
        airport. Transfer to the hotel. Check in.   Cathedral, the Church of St.Peter, the old   in the 18th century on the banks of the river
        Depending on the arrival time possible the first   Guild Houses, the Swedish Gate, St.Jacob’s   Lielupe. It was located and heavily damaged
        acquaintance with Riga on your own. Dinner at   Church, the Parliament House, Old Riga Castle.   during World War II. Later the castle palace
        hotel restaurant.                   In the afternoon excursion to the Open-air   was restored and converted into a hotel.
                                            ethnographic museum, founded in 1924 which   Returning to Riga, a stop in Jelgava for visiting
        Day 02:                             is an example of the Latvian cultural heritage.   the baroque castle of Jelgava. Dinner at hotel
        Riga                                It is located 10 km from Riga centre in a pine   restaurant.
        After breakfast Riga city tour. A combined   forest on the banks of Jugla Lake and consists
        coach and walking tour encompasses the   of 90 traditional village buildings: windmills,   Day 04:
        most significant sights of Riga: driving along   fishermen’s huts and churches that have   Tour To Jurmala (duration 4 hours)
        the central boulevards, enjoying the view of the   been brought here by four provinces of Latvia:   After breakfast, a bus trip to Jurmala. The Baltic
        City Canal Parks, the Bastion Hill, the Powder   Kurzeme, Vidzeme, Latgale, Zemgale. Dinner at   Sea famous spa-resort Jurmala is located
        Tower, the Latvian National Theatre, the Fine   hotel restaurant.       only 25 km to the West from Riga on the
                                                                                Gulf of Riga. Its natural curative features: mild
                                                         Day 03:                climate, golden sandy beaches, conifer forests
                                                         Tour To Zemgale. Castles of   stretching along the coastline, curative medical
                                                         the Southern Latvia (duration   mud and spa mineral water. During the tour
                                                         7 hours)               you will see small wooden houses and summer
                                                         After breakfast a trip to   cottages plunged into parks and forests, spa
                                                         Rundale. On the way a   health centers and hotels, Art-Noveau buildings
                                                         short stop in Bauska to visit   of the beginning of the 20th century You will
                               Riga                      to the Bauska castle with   have a chance to have a stroll along the sand
                    Jurmala                              a viewing platform in the   coast and along a famous central pedestrian
                                                         central tower. It was built in   Jomas Street where you will find plenty of
                    Jelgava   Rundale                    1443 at the confluence of   souvenir shops, cafes. In teh afternoon return
                                                         the rivers Musa and Memele.   to Riga.
                                                         Further driving to Rundale for   Dinner at city restaurant.
                                                         a visiting of Rundale Palace
                                                         (18th century) - the most   Day 05:
                                                         beautiful work of famous   Riga - Flight Home - Breakfast in the hotel.
                                                         Italian architect Francesco   Transfer to the airport of Riga.

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