Page 100 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 100


                  Lithuania Tour

         Day            Departure            Tour                         Overnight             Distance
         Day 01         Vilnius Apt          Vilnius                      Vilnius                   7 km
         Day 02         Vilnius              Trakai                       Vilnius                50 km
         Day 03         Vilnius              Kaunas                       Vilnius               220 km
         Day 04         Vilnius              Aukstaitija NP               Vilnius               280 km
         Day 05         Vilnius - Airport                                                           7 km
        Program                             tour includes: St. Peter and Paul’s Church,   Day 03:
        Itinerary                           Gediminas Castle, Cathedral Square, St.   Excursion to Kaunas (220 km)
                                                                                After breakfast trip to Kaunas, the second
                                            Ann and Bernardines’ Church, the Gates
                                            of Dawn with the holy image of the Virgin   largest city of Lithuania, served as the
        Day 01:                             Mary, Russian Orthodox Church of the   capital between two world wars. City
        - Vilnius                           Holy Spirit, Town Hall Square and Vilnius   tour of Kaunas including the 13th century
        Arrival at Vilnius airport. Transfer to the   University (founded in 1579) with St.   Kaunas Castle, lovely Town Hall of Kaunas,
        hotel. Check-in. Dinner at the hotel   John’s Church. Afternoon trip to Trakai (25   known locally as “White Swan”, Town
        restaurant.                         km from Vilnius), the former capital of the   Hall Square, the 14th century Church of
                                            Grand Duchy of Lithuania.           Vytautas, Cathedral-Basilica, Perkunas
        Day 02:                             Visit to the insular castle of the 14th   House and Laisves avenue.
        Vilnius - Trakai - Vilnius (50 Km)  century, erected on a small island in the   Visiting of devil museum. Lunch at the city
        After breakfast a city tour of Vilnius, capital   Lake Galve. Return to Vilnius.   restaurant.
        of Lithuania for more than 600 years. The   Dinner at the hotel restaurant.   The tour continues to the Pažaislis Church
                                                                                and Monastery Ensemble in Kaunas,
                                                                                which are the outstanding gems of the
                                                                                Baroque style in the entire region of
                                                                                Eastern Europe.
                                      Aukstaitija NP                            Return to Vilnius.
                                                                                Dinner at the hotel restaurant.

                                                                                Day 04:
                              LITHUANIA                                         Trip to National Park Aukstaitija (280 Km)
                                                                                After breakfast trip to the National Park
                                    Kaunas                                      The first stop on this tour will be in the
                                                                                Geographical Center of Europe, not far
                                                                                from Vilnius.
                                                  Vilnius                       In 1989, a group of French scientists
                                                                                from the institute announced that the
                                                                                geographical center of Europe was just to
                                                                                the north of the Lithuanian capital Vilnius -
                                                                                26 kilometers to be exact – near the village
                                                                                of Purnuskes.

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