Page 97 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 97


                                                                                   Baltic Charm

        sand dunes.                         provinces of Latvia: Kurzeme, Vidzeme,
        The tour of Nida resort, including the   Latgale, Zemgale.                TOUR HIGHLIGHTS
        Fisherman’s House, famous German writer   Dinner at the hotel restaurant.
        Thomas Mann’s Museum, Amber Gallery,                                      Vilnus
        old ethnographic cemetery, neo-Gothic   Day 07:                           - Gates of  Dawn, Vilnius University
        church and a walk along impressive sand   Riga - Sigulda - Tartu (250 Km)  Ensemble with St. John‘s Church,
        dunes. Return to Klaipeda. Dinner at the   After breakfast departure to Sigulda. A   President Palace, etc..
        hotel restaurant.                   short walk in Gauja National Park, including   Kaunas
                                            visit to Turaida Castle and the ruins of the   - Kaunas Castle
        Day 05:                             13th century Crusader Castle in Sigulda.    Trakai
        Klaipeda - Palanga - Hill Of Crosses - Riga   A further drive to Tartu. Dinner at the hotel   - Lake Galve
        (320 Km)                            restaurant.
        After breakfast departure to Riga - the                                   Klaipeda
        capital of Latvia.                  Day 08:                               - The Curonian Spit
        Stop in Palanga, the biggest seaside resort   Tartu - Tallinn (200 Km)    Riga
        of Lithuania. City tour including the visit to   After breakfast  city tour of Tartu, including   -  Jugla Lake, Riga Castle,St.Peter’s
        the Botanical Garden and Amber Museum   Tartu University, Toome Hill Park with its   Church, Dome Cathedral, the Old Guild
        in the Palace of Count Tyszkiewicz,   monuments, sculptures, bridges and ruins   Houses
        with over 25000 pieces of amber and   of Gothic church, panoramic view of the   Tartu
        15000 inclusions of insects on display. A   town with Jaani Church and Town Hall   - Toome Hill Park
        further drive to Riga. Lunch. Stop at the   Square. Afternoon drive to Tallinn. Dinner at   Tallinn
        Hill of Crosses, the unforgettable place   the hotel restaurant.          - Toompea Castle
        with thousands of crosses on two small
        hills. Arrival in Riga. Dinner at the hotel   Day 09:                     OPTIONAL
        restaurant.                         Tallinn                               Explore Hill of Crosses
                                            After breakfast a city tour of Tallinn, visiting
        Day 06:                             the Old Town of Tallinn - an example of
        Riga                                Gothic architecture in the Baltic and Nordic
        After breakfast a city tour of Riga, visiting   countries. The tour includes Toompea Cast
        medieval Hanseatic town, Riga Castle,   le fortifications, the Dome Church (13th
        St. Peter’s Church, Dome Cathedral, the   century), the Russian Orthodox Cathedral
        Old Guild Houses.                   of Alexander Nevskij, Town Hall Square, the
        A coach trip to the Ethnographic Open   Old Guild, St. Olaf’s Church.
        Air Museum is one of the show-pieces of   Afternoon excursion to Kadriorg Park and
        Latvia’s cultural heritage, founded in 1924.   visit to Kadriorg Palace. Dinner at the hotel
        Situated 10 km from the centre of Riga in a   restaurant.
        pine forest on the banks of Jugla Lake, the
        museum consists of some 90 traditional   Day 10:
        rural buildings: farmhouses, windmills,   Tallinn
        fishermen’s huts and churches that have   Breakfast.
        been assembled here from the four   Transfer to Tallinn airport.
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