Page 94 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 94


                  Baltic Capitals

         Day            Departure            Tour                         Overnight             Distance
         Day 01         Vilnius Apt          Vilnius                      Vilnius                   7 km
         Day 02         Vilnius              Trakai                       Trakai                 50 km
         Day 03         Vilnius              Rumsiskes - Kaunas           Klaipeda              340 km
         Day 04         Klaipeda             Nida                         Klaipeda              130 km
         Day 05         Klaipeda             Mosedis - Plateliai          Klaipeda              200 km
         Day 06         Klaipeda             Palanga - Darguciai          Riga                  340 km
         Day 07         Riga                 Jurmala                      Riga                   60 km
         Day 08         Riga                 Zemgala Castles              Riga                  180 km
         Day 09         Riga                 Sigulda                      Tartu                 220 km
         Day 10         Tartu                Lahemaa National Park        Tallinn               200 km
         Day 11         Tallinn              Tallinn                      Tallinn                20 km
         Day 12         Tallinn              Haapsalu - Muhu              Kuressaare            270 km
         Day 13         Kuressaare           Saaremaa Island              Kuressaare              65 km
         Day 14         Kuressaare           Parnu                        Tallinn               260 km
         Day 15         Tallin - Apt                                                              8 km
         Program                            Day 01: Day 01: Arrival Vilnius     Dinner at the hotel restaurant.
                                            Arrival in Vilnius. Transfer with guide escort to
         Itinerary                          the hotel. Check-in at the hotel. Dinner at hotel   Day 4: Trip to National Park Curonian Spit:
                                                                                Klaipeda – Nida – Klaipeda (130 km)
                                                                                After breakfast a short walking tour of Klaipeda,
                        Tallinn  Lahemaa NP  Day 02: Vilnius – Trakai – Vilnius (50 km)  the main seaport of Lithuania. Ferry trip to
                                            After breakfast city tour of Vilnius, capital   Curonian Spit National Park. Visit the Hill of
                                            of Lithuania for more than 600 years. The   Witches in Juodkrante. Continue the tour of Nida
                                            tour includes: St. Peter and Paul’s Church,   resort, including the Fisherman’s House, Amber
                            ESTONIA         Gediminas Castle, Cathedral Square, St. Ann   Gallery, old ethnographic cemetery and neo-
          Saaremaa                          and Bernardines’ Church, Amber gallery-  Gothic church. Return to Klaipeda. Dinner at the
                         Pärnu    Tartu
              Kuressaare                    museum, the Gates of Dawn, Russian Orthodox   hotel restaurant.
                                            Church of the Holy Spirit, Town Hall Square
                                            and Vilnius University with St. John’s Church.   Day 5: Trip to Zemaitija National Park: Klaipeda
                                            Afternoon a coach trip to Trakai. At local tavern   – Mosedis – Plateliai – Berzoras Plokstyne –
                            Sigulda         tasting of Kibinai. Return to Vilnius. Dinner at   Klaipeda (200 km)
                Jurmala   Riga              hotel restaurant.                   After breakfast a full day trip to Žemaitija National
                                LATVIA                                          Park, a real discovery for travelers who wish to
            Žemaitija NP                    Day 3: Vilnius - Rumsiskes - Kaunas - Klaipeda   explore wild nature: the glacier-formed waterhole
        Palanga      Hill of Crosses        (340 km)                            of Plateliai Lake and small lakes of thermokarst
                                                                                origin, large marshlands densely inhabited by
                                            After breakfast departure to Klaipeda. On the
      Juodkrante        LITHUANIA           way visiting of open air ethnographic museum   birds, and ravines carved with springs and
          Nida                              in Rumsiskes. The second stopover in Kaunas,   upper reaches of rivers. Visiting of Berzoras
                         Rumšiškės          visiting Kaunas Castle, lovely Town Hall of   village. The next stop for visiting of unique Cold
       Curonian Spit NP                     Kaunas, known as “White Swan”, Town Hall   War Museum in Plokstyne. Return to Klaipeda.
                    Kaunas   Vilnius
                                            Square, the Church of Vytautas, Cathedral-  Dinner at hotel restaurant.
                         Trakai             Basilica, Perkunas House and Laisves avenue. A
                                            further drive to Klaipeda.          Day 6: Klaipeda - Palanga - Darguciai - Hill of
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