Page 96 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 96


                  Baltic Charm

         Day            Departure            Tour                         Overnight             Distance
         Day 01                              Vilnius Apt                  Vilnius                 7 km
         Day 02         Vilnius              Trakai                       Vilnius                55 km
         Day 03         Vilnius              Kaunas                       Klaipeda              320 km
         Day 04         Klaipeda             Juodkrante - Nida            Klaipeda              120 km
         Day 05         Klaipeda             Palanga - Hill Of Crosses      Riga                320 km
         Day 06         Riga                 Riga                         Riga                  ---
         Day 07         Riga                 Sigulda                      Tartu                 250 km
         Day 08         Tartu                Tallinn                      Tallinn               200 km
         Day 09         Tallinn              Tallinn                      Tallinn               ---
         Day 10         Tallinn - Apt                                                               8 km

                                            Arrival at Vilnius airport. Transfer to the   Kaunas, known locally as “White Swan”,
        Program                             hotel. Check-in. Dinner at the hotel   Town Hall Square, the Church of Vytautas,
        Itinerary                           restaurant.                         Cathedral-Basilica, Perkunas House and
                                                                                Laisves avenue. The tour continues to the
        Day 01:                             Day 02:                             Pažaislis Church and Monastery Ensemble
        Vilnius                             Vilnius - Trakai - Vilnius          in Kaunas, which are the outstanding gems
                                            After breakfast a city tour of Vilnius, capital   of the Baroque style in the entire region of
                                            of Lithuania for more than 600 years.   Eastern Europe. A further drive to Klaipeda.
                            Tallinn         The tour includes: Sts. Peter and Paul’s   Dinner at the hotel restaurant.
                                            Church, Gediminas Castle, Cathedral
                                            Square, St. Ann and Bernardines’ Church,   Day 04:
                                            the Gates of Dawn with the holy image of   Klaipeda - Juodkrante - Nida - Klaipeda
                                            the Virgin Mary, Russian Orthodox Church   (120 Km)
                                            of the Holy Spirit, Town Hall Square and   After breakfast a short city tour of
                                            Vilnius University (founded in 1579) with   Klaipeda, the main seaport of Lithuania,
                                            St. John’s Church. Afternoon trip to Trakai,   including Theatre Square and the Old
                             Sigulda        the former capital of the Grand Duchy of   Town. Departure to Nida. Ferry trip to the
                          Riga              Lithuania. Visit to the insular castle, erected   Curonian Spit.
                                            on a small island in the Lake Galve. Return   Tour in Neringa on the Curonian Spit,
                                            to Vilnius. Dinner at the hotel restaurant.  separating the Baltic Sea from the
                                                                                Curonian Lagoon, is an unforgettable trip to
       Palanga       Hill of Crosses        Day 03:                             the beautiful wild nature with sand dunes,
      Juodkrante        LITHUANIA           Vilnius - Kaunas - Klaipeda (320 Km)  pine forests and golden beaches. Arrival in
                                            After breakfast departure to Klaipeda.   Juodkrante.
                                            On the way stopover in Kaunas, the   Visit the Hill of Witches that houses a
                    Kaunas                  second largest city of Lithuania, served   hundred fanciful and folksy wooden
                                            as the capital between two world wars.   sculptures scattered along a forest path.
                                            City tour of Kaunas including the 13th   A further drive to Nida with short stops at a
                                            century Kaunas Castle, lovely Town Hall of   cormorant and heron colony and at “Dead”
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