Page 91 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 91


                                                                 Masterpieces of Adriatic

        including Sarajevo Old Orthodox Church,   Parliament and the Government Palace.   Day 13
        Sacred Heart Cathedral and Gazi Husrev-  Afternoon at leisure or you can explore an   Venice
        beg Mosque, the first mosque in the world to   optional tour in countryside    Venice is our next destination, a city
        have electricity. Visit of the Tunnel of Life. Free                     immortalized in literature, film and art for
        afternoon in Sarajevo. Way back to Mostar   Day 10                      centuries. Its timeless waterways and artistic
                                            Zagreb – Postojna – Ljubljana       masterpieces make it truly unique – this is a
        Day 06                              Drive to Postojna Cave/Slovenia. A fantastic   city that will not capture only your heart, but
        Mostar – Split                      tour of tunnels, passages, galleries and halls,   also your imagination. Your tour leader will
        Head to Split. During the city panoramic tour,   the astonishing diversity of Karst features   introduce you to the city with an orientation
        we explore the UNESCO listed Diocletian’s   as well as easy access are certainly the   walk, during which you will see sights like the
        Palace with its Peristyle, Temple of Jupiter   main reasons for such popularity of the cave   world famous St Mark’s Square, Grand Canal
        and Cathedral. The walking tour will feature   and a large number of visitors, which has   and Rialto Bridge. The rest of the afternoon
        the main highlights of the city, Cathedral and   already reached 38 million in 200 years.   is yours to explore this unforgettable city
        Bell Tower of St. Dominius, the statue of   Continue driving to Ljubljana. In city center   on your own - do not miss the opportunity
        Gregory the Nin, The Golden gate, City Clock   you will visit the picturesque Central open-  to take a gondola and water taxi to explore
        and the city hall building.         air Market, Baroque Town Hall, the Triple   Venice from the water. Farewell dinner at a
        Dinner and overnight in Split       Bridge, Robba's Fountain and the Parliament   local restaurant
                                            building. Dinner and overnight in Ljubljana (2
        Day 07                              nights)                             Day 14
        Split – Trogir – Plitvice                                               Venice – “Marco Polo” Airport
        After breakfast, depart for Plitvice NP, with   Day 11                  After breakfast, you will be transported to the
        stop en route to Trogir, a center of artistic   Ljubljana – Bled – Ljubljana   Airport for your flight back home
        activities in Croatia. Scholars from around   Today you will have an excursion to Bled.   End of our Service
        the world gather here to study and paint.   Tour of Bled features the charming town with
        Continue driving to Plitvice National Park for   the lakeshore, and imposing Bled Castle,
        dinner and overnight                perched on a cliff high above the lake. A   TOUR HIGHLIGHTS
                                            challenge for your eye and your body awaits
        Day 08                              you on the island where a temple of the   Dubrovnik
        Plitvice NP – Zagreb                ancient Slavic goddess of love Živa used   Sarajevo
        After breakfast, enjoy the visit of spectacular   to stand in the location of today's glorious   Dubrovnik
        Plitvice Lakes National Park a UNESCO   Gothic church. (Boat Ride in the Island)
        World Heritage site. Embraced by high   Way back to Ljubljana              Split
        wooded mountains, one beneath another lie                                  trogir
        sixteen beautiful lakes of crystal blue-green   Day 12                     Plitvice Lakes
        water. Late afternoon departure to Zagreb for   Ljubljana – Trieste – Venice   Opatija
        dinner and overnight (2 nights)     Leaving Ljubljana, head to Trieste/Italy for an
                                            orientation tour and visit of Miramare Castel.   Zagreb
        Day 09                              The castle was built by Habsburg Monarchy   Bled
        Zagreb                              on a cliff overlooking Adriatic Sea. Then you   Ljubljana
        On the morning sightseeing tour, see the   continue driving towards romantic city of   Postojna Cave
        historic upper town, St. Mark’s Church,   Venice. Dinner and overnight in Venice (2   Venice
        St. Catherine’s Church, the Cathedral, the   nights)
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