Page 89 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 89


                                                    A Shelter in Balkan Ethnic Lands

        some time in the old town visiting the Daud   bearing 2500 years of heritage and the tour   Mosque of Et’hem Bey
        Pasha baths once the largest baths in   of Onufri Museum, located within St. Mary’s   Dinner and overnight in Tirana
        Balkans now the City Art Galery, the imposing   church. You may have an optional tour and
        Mustafa Pasha Mosque or the bustling old   wine testing to Cobo Winery. Dinner and   Day 08:
        market area. Free time in the old bazaar.   overnight in Berat          Tirana – Kruja – Airport
        Driving towards the National Park of Mavrovo,                           Today before we transfer to the Airport, we’ll
        located in the western-central part of the   Day 07:                    drive to Kruja. Upon arrival, start touring the
        country, which offers the highest mountain   Berat – Tirana             medieval fortress of Kruja hill town.  The
        peaks in Macedonia. In Mavrovo National   After breakfast at the hotel, departure to   walking tour will take you through the cobble
        Park there is the most famous village of   Tirana.                      stone pathway of Ottoman bazaar, with
        Galichnik, and the Monastery of Sveti Jovan   Tirana, the capital of Albania, is an ancient   wooden shops and displays of various gifts
        Bigorski (St John the Baptist). Continue to   city with a history enriched by the interaction   and antique household items. Visit within the
        Ohrid for dinner and overnight (2 nights)  of cultural forces originating in the Islamic   walls of the castle will include the historic
                                            and European Christian worlds. During the   museum dedicated to Scanderbeg and his
        Day 05:                             tour, you will encounter the impact of these   resistance against the Ottoman invasion. An
        Ohrid – St. Naum – Ohrid            influences in the Tirana’s architecture. The   old house turned to an ethnographic museum
        After breakfast, walking tour of Ohrid old town   tour will highlight some symbols and remains   will invite you to a unique cultural aspect of life
        (UNESCO heritage site), city of light with rich   of the communism era to provide you with   in northern Albania
        cultural and historical heritage in which a lot   a general understanding of Albanian history.   Transfer to the airport
        of civilizations left their own mark. Welcome to   Visit National Historic Museum and the   End of Service
        the magical place where on an amazing way
        the cultural and natural heritage are mixed
        along with the hospitality, city for which
        many world searchers of beauty use to call
        this city – Macedonian part of paradise The
        highlight of the Ohrid tour include Church
        of St. Sophia, St.Bogorodica Perivlepta,
        St.Pantelejmon – Plaosnik, Old Bazaar, King
        Samoil Fortress, Antique Theatre, and so on
        Optional boat trip to Ohrid Lake
        Afternoon visit to the Medieval Monastic
        Complex of St. Naum.

        Day 06:
        Ohrid – Berat
        Today we will drive to Albania – Berat to visit
        one of the most important sites in Albania,
        listed under UNESCO Heritage. The walking
        tour will explore the ancient fortress, main
        gates, towers, orthodox churches, the
        typical architecture of the dwelling sites,
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