Page 84 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 84


                  Balkan Sunshine

         Day            Departure            Tour                  Overnight             Distance      Duration
         Day 01                              Arpt – Sarajevo       Sarajevo              10 km          25 min
         Day 02         Sarajevo             Sarajevo              Sarajevo              30 km          1 h
         Day 03         Sarajevo             Mostar                Dubrovnik             270 km          6 hrs
         Day 04         Dubrovnik            Dubrovnik             Dubrovnik             --            --
         Day 05         Dubrovnik            Kotor                 Budva                 115 km          3 hrs
         Day 06         Budva         Cetinje – Lovcen – Njegusi      Budva              130 km          3 hrs
         Day 07         Budva                Kruja                 Tirana                200 km          5 hrs
         Day 08         Tirana               Berat                 Tirana                270 km          5 hrs
         Day 09         Tirana   Arpt                                                      20 km       30 min
        Program                                                                      Hall; Brusa Bezistan (Old Bazaar);
        Itinerary                                 BOSNIA &                           Old Coppersmiths at Work;
                                                  HERZEGOVINA                        Orthodox Church; Roman Catholic
                                                                                     Cathedral; Latin Bridge (The Site of
        Day 01:                                                                      Assassination of King Ferdinand)
        Sarajevo Airport – Sarajevo                                                  Optional lunch in one of the local
        Please let us know your flight details                                       restaurants.
        so we can arrange properly the first                                         Tour of Tunnel Museum
        day.                                                   MONTENEGRO
        Meet your local guide and transfer to              Dubrovnik                 Day 03:
        Sarajevo                                                Kotor                Sarajevo – Mostar – Dubrovnik
        Orientation Tour of Sarajevo                            Njegusi  Budva       After breakfast, depart to Mostar
        Dinner and overnight in Sarajevo (2                                          for 2.5 hrs. The historic town of
        nights)                                                                      Mostar, spanning a deep valley of
                                                                                     the Neretva River, developed in
                                                                                     the 15th and 16th centuries as an
        Day 02:                                                           Kruja      Ottoman frontier town and during
        Sarajevo                                                          Tirana     the Austro-Hungarian period in the
        Sarajevo is one of the most oriental                                         19th and 20th centuries. Mostar
        and culturally diverse cities in Europe,                        ALBANIA      has long been known for its old
        and had spent over 300 years under                                Berat      Turkish houses and Old Bridge,
        Turkish rule until the Austro-Hungarians                                     Stari Most (UNESCO Heritage
        arrived in the late nineteenth century. The                                  Site), after which it is named. Our
        empire collapsed 50 years later when                                         guided walking tour will include
        Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated                                          visits of Bishop’s building, Public
        here, hastening the outbreak of the First                                    Turkish Bath (Hammam), clock
        World War. The late twentieth century   1984, and the long siege of the city during   tower, Karadjoz-Beg Mosque,
        saw Sarajevo host the Winter Olympics in   the recent conflict. Visit the Old Town   Ottoman Residences, Crooked Bridge,

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