Page 82 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 82


                  Balkan Passions in 7 countries

        offering photo opportunities of the natural   the Albanian Nobel who, after serving   Day 12:
        landscape, unique village settings, and   the Ottoman Empire as governor, led a   Budva – Dubrovnik
        fortresses                          rebellion against it in 1443. You also tour   After breakfast at the hotel, depart for
        Continue driving to Porto Palermo, where   ethnographic museum offering unique   Dubrovnik (2.5 hrs.-border procedures
        you will visit the Castel of Ali Pasha   perspective of the cultural life of northern   included). Upon our arrival to Dubrovnik,
        Tepelena. By the middle of the 17th   Albania. Enjoy cobble stone pathway to   start touring Dubrovnik, the pearl of
        century, the Ottoman Empire system of   the ottoman bazaar, with wooden shops   Adriatic. Take a walking tour through
        administration of provinces changed into   and displays of different gifts and antique   the white limestone streets, baroque
        the near-autonomous governance of   household goods. After lunch, drive   buildings and ancient city walls that
        local rulers who were known as pashas.   back to Tirana. Visit highlights of Tirana,   protected the Republic of Ragusa for
        At the end of the 18th century the sultan   Scanderbeg Square & Statue; Et’hem Bey   centuries. A wealthy maritime power that
        appointed a certain Ali from Tepelena as   Mosque; Clock Tower; Italian buildings   rivaled Venice, it was self-governing until
        the governor of the most of the Epirus /of   and Martyrs’ of the Nation Boulevard.    conquered by Napoleon in 1808. Have
        the present day southern Albania/ and the   Visit the ex-communist buildings, painted   lunch at a local restaurant. Enjoy some
        large part of the Greek mainland, with his   with vibrant colors and the expansion   free time to explore or hunt for souvenirs
        court at Ioannina Lunch on the way, and   of city. Optional Tour National Historic   in the many fine shops. Have dinner and
        continue driving to Vlora for dinner and   Museum.                      overnight at the hotel
                                            Day 11:                             Day 13:
        Day 09:                             Tirana – Budva – Kotor – Budva      Dubrovnik – Mostar – Sarajevo
        Vlora – Berat – Tirana              After breakfast, depart for Budva in   Set out on three hours’ drive to the
        Travel to Berat. Upon your arrival, start   Montenegro, with stop en route to   historic town of Mostar. Have lunch at
        touring this wonderful Medieval Town   Shkodra for refreshments. Continue to   a local restaurant and then start the
        listed in UNESCO Heritage Site, with a   Kotor, after border procedures. Head to   walking tour of Mostar Old Town. It was
        unique style of architecture, known as the   Kotor, located along one of the world’s   conquered by the Ottoman Empire in
        “city of thousand windows”. Visit fortress   most beautiful bays. A city of traders and   the 15th century. In 1565, Suleiman the
        of Berat and “Onufri” Iconographic   famous sailors, Kotor is a walled medieval   Magnificent had the Stari Most Bridge
        Museum                              city of twisting, pink-paved streets and   build by Sinan, one of the great pieces
        After lunch, continue driving to Tirana for   eclectic markets. Built between the 12th   of Ottoman architecture. In the 1990s
        dinner and overnight in Tirana (2night)  and 14th centuries, the architecture   civil war most of the historic town and
                                            reflects Byzantine and Venetian     the old bridge were destroyed. The Old
        Day 10:                             influences. Proceed through the narrow   Bridge was recently rebuilt and many
        Tirana – Kruja – Tirana             streets to St. Triphon's piazza to visit the   of the edifices in the Old Town have
        Depart after breakfast to Kruja, for 1-hour   cathedral of St. Triphon.   been restored or rebuilt with the help of
        drive to Kruja to visit the Fortress. Within   Free time in the old town and drive to   UNESCO. Continue driving for 2.5 hrs.,
        the walls of the castle, you will find historic   Budva (40 min). Dinner and overnight in   spanning the deep valley of the Neretva
        museum dedicated to Scanderbeg,     Budva                               River, towards Sarajevo for dinner and

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