Page 83 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 83


                                                       Balkan Passions in 7 countries

        overnight (2 nights)                tour off the Croatian coast. Hvar is one   Zagreb – Postojna Cave – Ljubljana
                                            of the most popular islands situated   Departing on the two and a half hour drive
        Day 14:                             off the mainland, between Brac Island   to Postojna in Slovenia. Visit Postojna
        Sarajevo                            and Korcula Island. It is known for its   Cave, the largest Karst cave in Slovenia.
        After breakfast at the hotel, begin the tour   exceptionally mild climate, lavender fields   With as much as 15 miles of underground
        of the city. In the 1990s Sarajevo was   and beautiful Pakleni islands archipelago.   tunnels, it is one of the most visited
        besieged and on the edge of annihilation.   Explore the ancient town of Hvar, a   natural landmarks in Slovenia. Enter
        Today, its restored historic center is full of   Venetian naval base, and then sail back   the cave by train and then proceed on
        welcoming cafes and hotels. The bullet   to Split.                      foot with a guide. Continue to a hotel in
        holes have been plastered over on the                                   Ljubljana for your dinner and overnight. (2
        city's curious architectural mixture of   Day 17:                       nights)
        Ottoman, Yugoslav and Austro-Hungarian   Split – Plitvice Lakes
        buildings. Visit the Tunnel of Hope/Rescue   Get an early start to the day as you head   Day 20:
        used during the siege to supply the city   to Plitvice National Park (3-hour drive).   Ljubljana – Bled – Ljubljana
        before lunch at a local restaurant. Free   Croatia’s most popular tourist attraction,   Have breakfast then depart for Lake Bled
        time to walk around to discover the city   it was granted UNESCO World Heritage   (1 hour). This Alpine lake with the only
        on your own. Dinner and overnight in   status in 1979. The Park has sixteen lakes   island in Slovenia, has attracted visitors
        Sarajevo                            interconnected by a series of waterfalls.   for centuries with its natural beauty. Set
                                            The area is populated by deer, bear,   out to visit the island on a pletna, the
        Day 15:                             wolves, boar and rare bird species. Dinner   traditional wooden boat that has been
        Sarajevo – Split                    and overnight in Plitvice Park      ferrying travelers around the lake for
        Depart on a five-hour drive to Split/                                   centuries. They are operated by standing
        CROATIA, with stop en route for     Day 18:                             rowers known as pletnars. After landing,
        refreshments. Lunch at a local restaurant   Plitvice – Zagreb           guests climb 99 stone steps to reach the
        on the way to Split. Upon your arrival   Today we will head to Zagreb, capital   Assumption of Mary Church. Have lunch
        visit the Palace of Diocletian, built for the   of Croatia for 2.5 hrs.  upon your arrival   at a local restaurant before returning to
        Emperor’s retirement in 305; it is one of   start touring Zagreb. Visually, Zagreb   Ljubljana for a guided tour of the historical
        the finest Roman complexes anywhere.   is a mixture of straight-laced Austro-  city center. After enjoy a boat tour of
        The city itself incorporates the sprawling   Hungarian architecture and rough-  Ljubljana where you can see a different
        palace, including late medieval Catholic   around-the-edges socialist structures,   perspective of the City. Have dinner and
        churches. Free time to rest before dinner.   its character a sometimes-uneasy   overnight in your hotel.
        Dinner and overnight in Split (2 nights)  combination of the two elements. Enjoy
                                            a city tour where you will see The Mimara   Day 21:
        Day 16:                             Museum of art forgeries and the museum   Ljubljana – Apt
        Split – Hvar Island – Split         of broken relationships. Dinner and   After breakfast at the hotel, transfer to the
        After breakfast head to the dock where   overnight in Zagreb            airport for your flight back home
        you will depart on an unforgettable boat   Day 19:                      End of our service
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