Page 69 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 69


                                                                               Endless Stories

        with stop en route for refreshments.  AM: Transfer to Kotor. Tour of Kotor -   until the Austro-Hungarians arrived in the
        PM: Tirana city tour - Explore the capital   Wedged between brooding mountains and   late 19th century. The empire collapsed 50
        city of Albania, including some of the   a moody corner of the bay, the achingly   years later when Archduke Ferdinand was
        historical highlights, as city center,   atmospheric Kotor is perfectly at one with   assassinated here, hastening the outbreak
        Skanderbeg Statue, Et’hembey mosque,   its setting. Hemmed in by staunch walls   of the First World War.
        Clock tower, Italian buildings and Martyrs   snaking improbably up the surrounding   PM: Optional tour – Tunnel of Life.
        of the Nation Boulevard. Visit the ex-  slopes, the town is a medieval maze of
        communist buildings, painted with vibrant   museums, churches, cafe-strewn squares   Day 12:
        colors and the expansion of city.   and Venetian palaces and pillories.  Sarajevo - Arpt
                                            PM: Transfer to Dubrovnik, Croatia.  AM: Transfer to Airport.
        Day 06:
        Tirana - Kruja - Tirane             Day 09:
        AM: Transfer to Kruja. The walking tour   Dubrovnik                       TOUR HIGHLIGHTS
        of Kruja will take you through the cobble   AM: Walking tour of Old Dubrovnik town -   Skopje
        stone pathway of Ottoman bazaar, with   Known also as the “Pearl of the Adriatic”,   - Stone Bridge
        wooden shops and displays of various gifts   Dubrovnik offers a range of attractions.   Tetovo
        and antique household items. Visit within   Our walking tour will take you by the   - Sarena Dzamija (Painted Mosque)
        the walls of the castle will include the   old harbor, Franciscan monastery, St.   Bitola
        historic museum dedicated to Scanderbeg   Laurence Fortress, Sponza and Rector’s   - Sirok Sokak of Bitola and the bazar
        and his resistance against the Ottoman   Palaces, Bell Tower Clock and Orlando’s   Ohrid
        invasion.                           Column.
        PM: Drive back to Tirana.                                                 - Old town, St. Sophia Cathedral,
                                            Day 10:                               St. bogorodica perivlepta church
        Day 07:                             Dubrovnik - Mostar                    Tirana
        Tirana – Shkodra - Budva            AM: Depart to Mostar, Bosnia &        - National Historic Museum
        AM: Transfer to Shkodra. It is the largest   Herzegovina.                 Kruja
        city in the north of Albania, located on the   PM: Visit Mostar Old Town - Mostar has   - Historic museum of Skanderbeg
        east side of Shkodra Lake, between the   long been known for its old Turkish houses   Shkodra
        rivers Drini and Buna. Walk around the   and Old Bridge, Stari Most, after which   - Rozafa Fortress
        pedestrian street Kol Idromeno and have   it is named. The Old Bridge was recently   Budva
        some free time for refreshments.    rebuilt and many of the edifices in the Old
        PM: Transfer to Budva. Walking tour of   Town have been restored or rebuilt with the   - Old town
        Budva - Budva Old Town lies on a small   contribution of an international scientific   Kotor
        peninsula and represents a treasure   committee established by UNESCO.    - Old town, St Tryphon Cathedral
        chest of culture heritage. You can start by                               Dubrovnik
        stepping through an arched doorway in   Day 11:                           - Old town, Stradum promenade
        Budva’s medieval walls straight on to the   Mostar - Sarajevo             Mostar
        town beach. Free time in the old city.   AM: Depart to Sarajevo. Walking tour of   - Bridge
                                            Sarajevo - It is one of the most oriental and   Sarajevo
        Day 08:                             culturally diverse cities in Europe, and had   - Old town, bazaar
        Budva - Dubrovnik                   spent over 300 years under Turkish rule
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