Page 73 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 73

Bled       SLOVENIA

                                                                      Ljubljana                    Zagreb
                                                                                  Postjna Cave

                                                                    Rovinj               Rastoke       CROATIA

                                                                              Plitvice           BOSNIA &

                                                                               Zadar           Krka National Park

                                                                                     Trogir       Split
                                                                                  Hvar Island             Ston
                                                                                                Sucuraj         MONTENEGRO
                                                                                            Dubrovnik                       KOSOVO
                                                                                                        Budva        ALBANIA

                                                                                                 B011                    Tirana  MACEDONIA

                                                                                Water and Soil              Durres               Ohrid
        Day 06:                             also as the “Pearl of the Adriatic”, Dubrovnik offers a   Overnight in  Ohrid.            Heraclea  Pella
        Zadar – Krka National Park – Sibenik   range of attractions.            Day 14:                  Apollonia                   Edessa
        AM: Transfer to Krka National Park.  Our walking tour will take you by the old harbor,   Ohrid – Heraclea – Edessa – Pella – Thessaloniki
        PM: Walking tour + Boat excursion in Krka National   Franciscan monastery, St. Laurence Fortress,   AM: Transfer to Bitola.           Thessaloniki
        Park - The Park offers a unique view of a natural   Sponza and Rector’s Palaces, Bell Tower Clock and   Tour of Bitola / Heraclea Lyncestis – famous for its
        heritage.                           Orlando’s Column and overnight in Dubrovnik.  dazzling mosaics, ancient theater and Roman baths.
        Skradinski Buk is a massive, clear, natural pool with                   PM: Transfer to Pella via Edessa.                  GREECE
        high waterfalls at one end and cascades at the other.   Day 11:         Set out on a magical journey through time to the
        Transfer to Sibenik.                Dubrovnik – Kotor – Budva – Tirana   glorious kingdom of ancient Macedonia, where
        Enjoy a walking tour of Sibenik old town and a coffee   AM: Transfer to Kotor.   Alexander the Great was born. Peer into the rich
        break. Overnight in Sibenik.        Tour of Kotor – Enjoy a walking tour of Kotor Old   history of the Macedonian state capital, a bustling
                                            Town (UNESCO)                       metropolis of the Classical period. A number of
        Day 07:                             PM: Transfer to Budva.              excavations of the site reveal the ancient city’s
                                                                                majestic grand Transfer to Thessaloniki.
        Sibenik – Trogir – Split            Visit Budva Old town – You can start by stepping   Wander around the city’s commercial and
        AM: Transfer to Trogir.             through an arched doorway in Budva’s medieval   manufacturing center, which was in fact the biggest
        Trogir with concentration of palaces, churches,   walls straight on to the town beach. Transfer to   agora of the ancient world.
        towers, fortress on a small island in every way   Tirana and overnight.  Overnight in Thessaloniki
        deserves its nickname “The Stone Beauty”.
        PM: Transfer to Split.              Day 12:                             Day 15:
        City tour of Split – Explore the UNESCO-listed   Tirana – Durres – Apollonia – Tirana  Departure to the airport
        Diocletian’s Palace with its Peristyle, Temple of   AM: Walking city tour of Tirana – Explore the capital   End of Service.
        Jupiter and Cathedral and overnight in Split .  city of Albania, including the city Centre, Skanderbeg
                                            Statue, Et’hem Bey Mosque, Clock tower and Italian
        Day 08:                             buildings.                            TOUR HIGHLIGHTS
        Split – Hvar – Island               Transfer to Durres.
        AM: Transfer to Stari Grad.         PM: Tour of Durres Old town – Explore the ruins   Ljubljana
        Transfer to Hvar to visit the city.  of town forum, town hall, Roman Amphitheater,   - Three Bridge
        PM: Aboard the ferry to Hvar Island.   byzantine walls, Venetian Tower and Archaeological   Bled
                                                                                  - Bled Castle
        Often called the “Island of Lavender”, Hvar is also   Museum, a panoramic display of discoveries and   Zadar
        one of the two most famous winemaking zones in   urban planning of this once important city.  - Church of St. Donatus
        Croatia and overnight in Hvar Island.  Transfer to Apollonia Archeological Park.   Sibenik
                                            The walking tour includes the Encircling Wall, the
                                            monuments of Agonothetes, the Library, the Odeon,   - St James Cathedral
        Day 09:                             the Portico, the house with mosaics, Archeological   Trogir
        Hvar Island – Sucuraj – Ston – Dubrovnik    museum and the Church of St. Mary. Back to Tirana   - The Stone Beauty
        AM: Transfer to Sućuraj.            city and overnight.                   Split
        A short sightseeing of this picturesque small town.                       - Diocletian’s Palace
        Ferryboat to Drvenik                Day 13:                               - Old town, Stradum promenade
        PM: Transfer to Ston.               Tirana – Ohrid                        Budva
        Visit of the Defensive Walls in Ston, known as the   AM: Transfer to Ohrid.  - Old town
        “European wall of China”.           PM: Tour of Ohrid – Visit Church of St. Sophia,   Tirana
        Transfer to Dubrovnik and overnight.  St.Bogorodica Perivlepta, St. Jovan Kaneo, Old   Skanderbeg Statue, National Museum
                                            Bazaar, Mesokastro Settlement, Kaneo Settlement,   Durres
        Day 10:                             Ohrid Fortifications, King Samoil Fortress, Antique   - Ruins of Roman Amphitheatre
        Dubrovnik                           Theatre,                              Apollonia
                                                                                  - Archeological Park
        AM: Board the bus and transfer to the entrance gate    Icon museum.       Ohrid
        of Old Dubrovnik town.              Visit of St. Naum Monastery and the water spring –   - Old town, St. Sophia Cathedral
        PM: Walking tour of Old Dubrovnik town – Known   source of black Drini River.
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