Page 71 - Vas DMC Europe & Balkan Catalogue
P. 71


                                                                                 Sights & Bites

        displayed within the church of St. Naum.  lined with Bulgarian Revival houses and   Day 11:
        Overnight in Ohrid.                 churches, leads to the ancient Roman ruins.  Belgrade
                                            We will pass by the Ethnographic Museum,   AM: Visit the Kalamegdan Fortress - 115
        Day 05:                             the impressive Roman Theater, St.   battles have been fought over imposing,
        Ohrid – Bitola – Skopje             Constantine, Helena church and Jumaya   impressive Kalemegdan, and the citadel
        AM: Transfer by bus to Bitola.      Mosque.                             was destroyed more than 40 times
        Walking tour of Bitola / Heraklea – famous   Overnight in Plovdiv.      throughout the centuries.
        for its dazzling mosaics, ancient theater and                           PM: Continue the tour to Republica Square,
        Roman baths.                        Day 08:                             Princess Ljubica Palace and Knez Mihailova
        Bitola, historically known as Monastir or   Plovdiv – Boyana Church – Sofia   Street, Belgrade main pedestrian zone,
        Manastir is one of the oldest cities on the   AM: Bus transfer to Boyana Church.   Terazije Square, Parliament and St. Sava
        territory in the Republic of Macedonia.  You will visit Boyana church located in   Church.
        PM: Transfer to Skopje.             Vitosha Mountain, part of the UNESCO   Overnight in Belgrade.
        Panoramic City tour of Skopje, a city where   world heritage list.
        you can find the signs of East as it was   PM: Transfer by bus to Sofia.  Day 12:
        under the rule of Ottoman Empire for a   Overnight in Sofia.            Belgrade – Belgrade APT
        long time. Visit the Daud Pasha baths, the                              Belgrade Departure to the Airport.
        imposing Mustafa Pasha Mosque or the   Day 09:                          End of Service.
        bustling old market area.           Sofia – Poganovo Monastery – Nis Belgrade
        Overnight in Skopje.                AM: Bus transfer to Poganovo Monastery.   TOUR HIGHLIGHTS
                                            It was built in 14th century, by Master
        Day 06:                             Konstantin Dejanović Dragaš,          Kruja
        Skopje – Sofia                      the nephew of King Dusan.             - Historic Museum of Skanderbeg
        AM: Bus transfer Sofia.             PM: Transfer to Nis for lunch.        Tirana
        City tour of Sofia – Among the most   Transfer to Belgrade.               -National Historic Museum
        impressive sites are the Alexander Nevski   Overnight in Belgrade.        Berat
        Cathedral dominating the city, St. Sophia
        Church, St. George Rotonda, National   Day 10:                            - Berat Fortress
        Theatre, The Parliament, The Presidency   Belgrade – Novi Sad – Sremski Karlovici –   - Onufri Museum
        and Saint Nicholas Russian Church.  Belgrade                              Ohrid
        Overnight in Sofia.                 AM: Bus Transfer to Novi Sad.         - Old town, St. Sophia Cathedral
                                            Visit Petrovaradin                    Bitola
        Day 07:                             Fortress with its underground military   - Sirok Sokak of Bitola and the bazar
        Sofia – Bachkovo Monastery – Plovdiv    galleries.
        AM: Depart for Rhodopi Mountains and will   PM: Visit Krusedol Monastery.   Skopje
        visit the famous Bachkovo Monastery – the   A forest on one side          - Stone Bridge
        second largest in Bulgaria and one of the   and lots of greenery          Sofia
        oldest Eastern Orthodox monasteries in   within the monastery’s perimeter, all give a   - Boyana Church
        Europe.                             sense of tranquility                  Novi Sad
        PM: Transfer by bus to Plovdiv.      and inner beauty.
        City tour of Plovdiv begins at the Forum of   Visit Hopovo Monastery,     - Petrovaradin Fortress
        Philipppolis and Jumaya Mosque.     which used to be a strong cultural and   Belgrade
        Continues in the historic National Revival   educational center of Serbs.   - Kalemegdan Fortress
        quarter, where cobblestone streets   Back to Belgrade. Overnight in Belgrade.
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